Carina fears for Uberto

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In the meantime, he needed to catch up with everything. He felt a strong need to learn more about himself.

Returning to the hall, he found plenty to eat on the food table. Guy was still in the hall eating with another knight, and he motioned for him to join them. Unfortunately, Arturo, a knight of Nice, had recently lost both his wife and his baby. Not in any battle, but in childbirth.

Uberto could feel the sorrow that still burdened the man. It reminded him of the death of his sister. The three men ate quietly for a time until Guy began talking about Paul. Uberto knew he was one of the monks who returned with them from the destroyed monastery.

"That monk is dangerous," said Guy. "Have you heard him rousing the people in the courtyard."

"I know he is loud," said Arturo. "I try not to listen to what he is saying."

"Something about fighting the enemy. He's a monk. It makes no sense to me," said Uberto.

"That's it," said Guy. "He's urging the peasants to follow him in a holy war against the infidels. He says God will lead them to victory. All they need is faith."

"Faith without weapons and training will only get them killed," said Arturo.

"I remember him from when we and the monks came back from the monastery," said Uberto. "I heard some talk on the trail that he was upset because he didn't die like his brother monks."

"That's right," said Guy. "Patrizio had to restrain him from doing anything foolish. I don't know why he was acting that way. You think he would be happy the Saracens didn't find out where he was hidden."

The knights talked for a while longer on the subject and then Guy got up to go. As they finished eating, Uberto and Arturo also rose from the table. They left the hall together and were about to part when Uberto realized he didn't know the direction to his own place.

"I believe you are upstairs," said Arturo.

Uberto hesitated. "I'm not sure I want to go there," he said confidentially to Arturo.

Arturo stopped and turned to look at him. "Why? You've been away a long time. Your wife is probably there waiting for you."

"I know, but I know nothing of our life together. I have no recollection of our marriage or anything else."

"That is unfortunate."

"Very. It is rather daunting to go to live with someone who knows everything about you and you know almost nothing about her. To tell you the truth, Arturo, even the feeling I must have had for her is gone. To me, she is only a woman—an attractive woman, but nothing more. I find it hard to believe she is my wife."

"That is truly sad, Uberto. Even I, in all my sorrow at losing my wife and unborn baby, at least I can look back on some happy memories of our time together. But for you, life is beginning again. You will make new memories."

"Yes, I can start over again. And besides, some day I hope to regain what I have lost. How long it will take, I have no idea."

"If you wish, brother knight, you are welcome in my apartment until you are ready to return to the life you knew."

Chapter Fourteen

Talia liked working with Oriana. The old woman knew much about the healing arts that she was able to teach her. Talia herself knew some things that Oriana did not know. The two worked well together. Actually, at the present time, there was not a lot to do. With Angela also helping, the need for healing treatments was not great. They knew that with the likelihood of war imminent, that might quickly change.

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