The Gift

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Chapter Twenty-six

Two months had passed and so much had happened. New houses erected by the peasants, a new fortress was being built for Renzo, his family and the knights. New land cleared and already partly cultivated with a fall crop, and a new stockade being erected, as Carina looked out on her brother's new domain. A manor where she and Uberto would live.

For her personally, an even more important event was going on inside her. She could hardly believe it. At first, and as she had been wrong once before, she told no one. Not even Uberto. She did not want him to experience great joy only to be let down. This time, she would be sure before she told him.

She listened when she heard women talking about their pregnancies. She believed she had the symptoms. Tender breasts, a feeling of being tired, some nausea. Thankfully, she did not have any morning sickness—at least not yet.

She began thinking about Brother Paul. He worked with the monks during the day, but toward evening, he would go up the hill, through the gate and into the stronghold. The guards at the gate knew his routine and would open on seeing his figure. Brother Paul would meet Angela in the hall late, before it closed for the day, and they would eat and talk quietly. Carina had been there one evening when Brother Paul said something that made Angela laugh heartily. She had never seen Angela laugh before. It was good to hear her giggle before breaking out into full laughter.

Once, she happened to be in the hall when he entered her room. That was unusual. Ordinarily, Brother Paul departed after supper and went back down the hill to sleep in the big house with the other monks. She wondered about those two.

* * *

Uberto stepped back to look at the new fortress—the one that would be the home of Renzo, Antonia, Amadeo, and, of course, he, Carina, and the knights and their families. It had been decided that Renzo's manor was too small and outlying to resist a return of the Saracens.

All around him he saw work being done. On one side of the new courtyard, he saw the monks. They had already built a large dwelling for themselves, and now they were laboriously erecting a chapel. A chapel made of stone so that at least it could hopefully withstand a Saracen attack. He had talked to them and knew that in their plans for the future they wanted to open a small school. The children of knights and even some peasant children might actually learn to read and write!

His thoughts went to him and Carina. Somehow, it seemed that soon after the Saracens left he had regained his memory. In fact, as he looked back, it seemed it came back to him right after the feast and dance. Now, he felt he was able to remember everything, including how he had acted so strange when he didn't even know Carina was his wife. Even the words to his music came back to him now, and already he had more than once serenaded her with songs in their apartment.

Carina herself seemed a changed woman. The sadness he at times had found in her was gone. Something he couldn't quite fathom seemed lately to be bringing a frequent smile to her lips.

Their anniversary was coming, and though it was not the norm, he wanted to do something to mark the occasion. He didn't yet have money, but he thought of a way he could buy a gift for her. The sword Talia had given him. Now that he had his own sword, one with the emblem of his manor inscribed on it, he didn't need the other any more. Taking the sword, he went to the shop that sold fine things, and bartering, selected something beautiful for her.

He also scouted the land on horseback, looking for a spot not too far away where he could take her. A place where they could be alone and he would sing beautiful songs to her accompanied by his small lyre. A place with a wonderful view. A place he knew she would like.

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