Chapter 1

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I walked down the halls to get to first period. It was the first day of tenth grade. I had on my new school clothes, a hoodie and jeans. The same as every year. The halls were the same old beige colour as they were the year before. The lockers still squeaky as the year before. The students faces still the same as the year before. Except for the freshmans who's faces had a that look of excitement and curiousness. It would go away within 4 weeks. They will soon realize that high school isn't the place you see on tv or movies. No exciting drama, no mean girls, no nerds, no jocks. Just girls who can pull off winged eyeliner, kids who who have a successful future ahead of them, and guys who like sports.
As I looked at all the familiar faces I thought about how many friend groups separated, and how many people changed. Straight A kids who were teachers favourites now smoked weed, skipped class, and enjoyed the ice cream flavour: dick.
  But I mean people change and there's nothing you can do about it. The only person that can change them is themselves. I've  changed too. From a happy girl who had too many friends and laughed like a clown- to a girl who only has one friend,and every week suffers from break downs.
  Maybe it's because no one wants to be around the girl who's dumb enough to do what I did.
  No I'm not telling what it was though. How can I tell you if everyday my mind is at war trying to forget? But it doesn't matter anymore. The past is in the past and it will stay there.
I hope.
  Lets call it My Little Secret. My Little Secret cost me a lot. My friends, my social status, my happiness. My Little Secret took a hammer and smashed them all to bits. I became a green apple in a tree of red ones. An outcast as they call it.
My once loud and contagious laugh became no more than a stifle. My joker grin had become as thin as the lines on my wrist. My brilliant words became brilliant thoughts that would never see light. Maybe that wasn't all true. My words did see some light, when I spoke them to Alia.
Alia Bhet. My best friend since middle school. God I don't know what I would do without her. We're total opposites but can't be separated. We were like ying and yang. She's been there for me and I've been there for her, no matter what. She stayed with me when My Little Secret got out. She was the first to know but she stayed, because she knew the truth.
But no one else did.
I found my way to first period. I walked into the old and bare room. It will soon be filled with posters and display of the projects and work that will go on in this class. I studied the room and found two options of seating; a seat in the back, and a seat in the front.
If I sat in front it would seem as though I was trying to use the teacher as a body guard. If I sat in the back I would easily hear all the whispering that the kids would be doing about me.
I sat in the front.
As the teacher went on about things we would be learning in grade 10 socials, I couldn't help but listen to the whispers behind me.
"Isn't that Isabella Rose?"
"Wow haha."
"You know what happened with her    last year right? With Liam Greyson."
"Yeah! Who doesn't. Wow what a slut."
  I guess no matter where I sit My Little Secret won't leave me.
    I really hoped that people would forget about it. That they would just brush it off and find something else to sink their drama thirsty teeth into. I guess that wouldn't happen. Nothing really exciting ever happens at my school. No fights, no drama, nothing. So if even the smallest thing happens everyone goes crazy. The kids could find out about someone who slept with only one person and call her a hoe throughout the rest of her high school years. I never even slept with anyone yet I'm still considered a hoe.
   Maybe it's not all that bad. It's not like I get harassed or anything, or physically bullied. All that happens is no one wants to be near me and people just talk shit. All I have to do is keep my mouth shut and lay low until I graduate and leave this dump. And I guess it's not bad. I don't get drunk or smoke whatever like most of the kids do. It wouldn't matter if I was popular. I'm not even allowed to go to the library after school. Let alone a party.
   You see my parents are the strict of the strict. Never let me out of their site. I'm not allowed to go out, not allowed to date, not allowed to wear things that show too much skin, and not allowed any social media. The list could go on but those are just some of the rules I have.
I heard the bell ring for second period and grabbed my bag and left as fast as I could. I didn't wanna run into anyone on the way out. As I stepped out of the class room my foot hit something and I fell over. I looked up and saw Alia, who seemed to have been waiting for me. She looked angry and turned toward the cause of my fall.
Savanna Summer.
Of course it was. This girl has nothing better to do than piss people off to get a laugh from her friends.
"What the hell is your problem!?"
Alia yelled.
"I have no problems."
Savanna started in her sweet fake voice.
" it's her who has a problem, can't see where she's going. Probably hurrying to the bathroom to go cut."
She said with a smirk.
"Shut up Savanna."
I said. Not only to Savannah and Alias surprise but to mines too.
I looked up afraid that savannahs glare might cut me. If looks were knifes it would've done more then just cut me.
"So the bitch speaks huh?"
Savannah said looking at her friends with a teasing smile.
"You must have a big mouth then. I mean you must if you want all the dicks you suck to fit."
And with that I did something that would change everything.
I slapped her.

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