Chapter 2

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It went down.
Savannah was on top of me faster than you could say crazy bitch. Savannah was slapping me and smacking me with the weakest hits I've ever felt. Then Alia got on top of Savannah and started pulling her hair in an attempt to get her off of me. Next thing you know we landed ourselves in the principles office.
    The socials teacher heard what was going on and found us in the middle of our fight. He sent us all to the office saying he didn't want a word from any of us.
    Me and Alia sat on the squeaky chairs and awaited our punishments. I already knew that Savannah wouldn't get in half as much trouble as we would. First of all, I hit first. Second of all Savannah always got out of everything.
I was most likely going to get a two week suspension. Alia would too. Savannah on the other hand, would only be getting a one day in school suspension if she were unlucky.
   Savannahs father was the head of the school board. There was no way anything would happen to her. Her father wouldn't allow it.
   My father on the other hand was a doctor. No special privileges with that. Just a stressed out dad who comes home from work wanting to do nothing more than sleep. Which was hard since my little sister and brother like to play games of running and screaming.
    My family is made up of my mother - a stay at home mom, my little sister Sonya who's my older brother Jason who's 17, and my father. My house was made up of too much people and too much fighting.
I looked up as Savannah walked out of the principles office wiping false tears with a tissue.
That fake bitch. I thought to myself. She wasn't crying when the fight actually took place. She just wanted to put on a show. I wondered what I should do to suck up, but my thoughts were interrupted by the principle calling Alia and I into his office.
    Alia and I both got up and walked to the door giving each other scared looks.
   As we sat down in the two seats in front of  Mr. Hunts desk, I had a feeling that it wouldn't go good at all.
"It's not Bella's fault, it was all me I take all the blame."
  Alia stated.
"Don't start Alia. I've already heard what happened and I'm going to have to call both of your guardians and inform them of what you did.  Let me say I am very, very disappointed in you two."
   I let mr. Hunts words sink in. To be honest I didn't really mind suspension. The worst part is my parents knowing. They would kill me.
"Do you really?" I asked.
"Of course I do. Do you expect me to allow students to hurt other students without punishment? Speaking of punishment I'm afraid that yours will have to be to expel both of you from the school."
Mr. Hunt finished.
To say I was stunned was an understatement. It felt as though I have been shocked with lightning.
"What!? I know what we did was bad but I was expecting something more like a two week suspension."
I argued. What was this man thinking!? But I knew. He was thinking he would get fired from his job if he didn't bring 'justice' to the head of the school boards daughter.
"No. I don't think that would've have done any good." Mr. Hunt started.
"What you girls did to poor Savannah was terrible. And I won't have students who behave like this in my school. None at all. Your behaviour was more than immature, and on the first day of school? Cmon you girls need to smarten up. I don't have time for troubled students. My decision is final." He finished.
Alia and I kept trying to argue our point. Telling him that she had provoked us and had also fought back, but he wanted to hear none of it. He then told us to take ourselves home while he made some phone calls.
Alia and I walked home together, we lived quite close to each other. It was nice.
On the way home Alia and I rehearsed what we would say to explain ourselves. None of them were any good and we realized that we were screwed.
I was so scared, my legs were shaking. Despite that it was boiling hot in the early September air. When I got home I wouldn't have to even explain. My parents would have already gotten the phone call. I asked myself why I even bothered going home. Then I remembered that my parents would kill me for that, right after they killed me for getting expelled. Even though it's not possible, they would find a way.
  I opened the door to my house. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom waiting there for me.
"I'm sorry" I said
  "Save it. You don't know how much trouble your in." My mother staid.
"Give me your phone right now and go to your room. When your father comes home we'll talk about what you did, and what we're going to have to do about it."
   I decided not to argue, there was no point. Arguing with my mom was like arguing to a brick wall.
  I gave my mom my phone and looked up at her. Her face could have been the definition of disappointment. I was screwed.
    I then took myself upstairs to my room. I had nothing to do so I sat in my bed and read. I've always loved reading. It's my most favourite thing to do. When I read it's like I'm somewhere else. Like I'm anywhere else but here. I just love it. It's kind of like a break from reality. When I'm reading nothing else matters except what is going on in the book. To me reading is the closest thing to dreaming.
  I was reading a book about a girl who had someone thing done to her at a party. What had happened together changed so much for her and made her lose all of her friends and all her happiness. Although in the end when she tells everyone what happened things got better. The book was about finding your voice and speaking up. I was reading it for the second time. It reminded me of what I was going through. But the solution to my problem wouldn't be to tell people what really happened. I already tried that and it didn't work.
  After a few hours I fell asleep. I dreamt of me sitting in bed reading, when all of a sudden the book started snapping at me. The book kept taking bites until it ate me whole. I then found my self in a fantasy world full of all the worlds of my favourite books. I was met all my favourite characters, and had people who actually wanted to talk to me. Nobody called me a slut. Nobody whispered whenever I walked past. Nobody tried to trip me over to get a laugh. I felt wanted, everyone wanted to talk to me and be near me, or to show me places from the stories they came from. It was amazing. I felt as though I could stay there forever and never leave. But I did.
   I was awoken by the sound of keys unlocking the door. I sat up and listened in on my parents conversation. It was late I noticed; the sky was dark through my windows.
  "What are we going to do? She was expelled Adam." My mom told my father
"I know I was told in the phone call." My father started.
"I have no idea what got into her. Did she really think that it was smart to start a fight. I don't remember raising my daughter like that."
  "And now where is she going to go? All the other schools are to far. There's no way that she can go to any." My mother said in frustration.
  "Oh no, no. I have special plans for that. She's not going to any regular school no. What she did was irresponsible and stupid. She needs to learn not to do things that that. She needs better examples. These public schools are filled with horrible students that have bad influences on other kids. I'm putting her into McKennedy Secondary."
Oh shit, oh shit, shit, shit.
  I thought, and not only because it was a boarding school.

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