Chapter 3

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  My parents then called me down to speak with them. I was prepared to argue my way out of this. I would rather scrub the floors with a toothbrush, than have to go through with what my father had planned for me.
   I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My father and mother were sitting at the table waiting for me. I took a seat across from them and looked down at my hands. I couldn't bear their cold stares.
  "I'm sorry." I finally said.
   "You think that's going to fix anything?" My father said right after. It was as if he was waiting for me to say something stupid.
"I am!" I argued.
  "I couldn't help it! That girl needed to learn a lesson. She pisses everyone off and nothing happens to her! What I did was right! I put that girl in her place!"
  My parents looked at me like I was raised by dogs.
  "I don't care about the other girl involved. That is not the way to solve things Isabella! That's a way to get yourself thrown in jail." My mother said sternly.
  "I'm not going to get thrown in jail." I said.
  "No but if you were an adult you would." My father started.
  "Isabella you don't know how disappointed I am. This behaviour is not acceptable in our family. Fighting at school? No. You need a better example and discipline. I've already called, and your going to leave next week. Your going to be attending McKennedy Secondary."
  I looked at my father like he was crazy.
  "No! Please. Anywhere but that. Dad come on, you can take away my phone forever. Just don't take me there. It's a boarding school!"
I protested.
"My decision is finally. I've already registered you. You need to surround yourself by better examples." My father said with finality. I knew there was no way to argue. Whenever I argued about things he was final about I usually ended up in tears. And with a red cheek.

Later that night I found that I couldn't fall asleep. My eyes stung from my tears. I so badly wished that I could fall asleep and wake up and all of this could've been a nightmare. I could hear my parents snores coming from their room. Since they were asleep I decided it would be safe to go fishing for my phone. My phone was my only entertainment besides reading. I had no freedom therefore I couldn't go out with friends and go places. Not that I had any friends. My phone was my only real access to the world.
Slowly I got out of my bed and tip toed down the stairs. I made sure that each step was soft. If my parents woke up I'd be in even more trouble. As I got down to the kitchen I squatted down to my mothers spice cupboard. It was my mothers favourite place to hide things, like my phone for example.
  I opened it up quietly and reached my hand to the very back. I felt a rectangular shape and took it out. I closed the cupboard quietly and went back to my room. I made sure I didn't make a sound.
As I lay in my bed I turned on my phone to see 5 messages from Alia. Who else would be texting me.
"Hey Bella?"
"I'm not in that much trouble I just got my allowance cut short that's all."
"My sister just needs to look for a new school for me."
"Hey? Bella? U there?"
I replied and told her everything about how my I was leaving for McKennedy's next week. She replied 5 minutes later.
Alia: for real!?
Me: yeah I can't believe it
Alia: wow I think I'm going to cry what am I supposed to do without you!? Isn't there anyway to change your dads mind?
Me: no there's nothing I can do
We went on and texted about how much we would miss each other and how we'd FaceTime everyday. I could tell that Alia was upset. She usually doesn't have much enthusiasm in her text when somethings bothering her. I fell asleep after a while.
  I dreamed that I was once again in my fictional paradise except something was wrong. Characters were running trying to get away, and I could see smoke in the sky. I looked around to see buildings on fire. I could hear the screams of characters within the fires. Burning away like the pages of the books they came from. I could see characters falling of exhaustion. It was horrendous. Their was towers and houses toppling down, crushing characters trying to escape. I screamed in terror. I stayed standing in fear of too becoming crushed. I was coughing from all the smoke around me, and it was hard to see through it all. A gigantic figure towered the sky. It seemed to be the cause of all the chaos. I looked up to see what it was. I squinted and what I saw was far more scary then what was happening around me. It had curly brown hair, golden brown eyes, and a angelic smirk. Liam Greyson.
  I woke up sweating. I looked around me and saw that I was safe in bed. It was still dark out and I looked on my phone to see that is was 5:00 am. I went back to sleep within two minutes praying that my dreams would be blank.
  Five days had past by and I hadn't done anything productive. I still hadn't packed anything. I was still hanging on to some hope that my father would change his mind. Alia hadn't texted me at all within the five days either. I didn't know why, but I thought she was probably to upset about me leaving. But it was unusual of her not to text me for so long.
  On the fifth day while I was sitting on the couch watching tv. My father was at work and my mother taking Sonya to school. My phone went off, Alia wanted to FaceTime.
I picked up immediately. Her face popped up, it was full of excitement and eagerness. "Hello?" I asked
"Bella! I'm sorry I haven't texted you for so long." Alia started.
"My sister took away my phone because of what happened, and she was able to read all of my text."
"Oh" I said. Alia lived with her older sister and her husband. They weren't exactly strict but kind of cruel sometimes. Her parents died a few years ago. There parents were quite wealthy so they've inherited lots.
"But that's not all! She read our text about your dad sending you to McKennedy's and my sister thinks that it would be a good idea if I went too!" She said in excitement.
"That's great!" I said. My mood lifted a hell of a lot. I wouldn't be going alone! I would have Alia by my side. I was more than happy, words couldn't explain. But that still wouldn't fix one problem.
Me and Alia went on and started talking about what we'd do when we got there and the things we would need to pack.
"We're gonna be roommates right?" I asked.
"Of course! I'll tell my sister to set that up when she calls them this afternoon." Alia said smiling.
Just then I heard the doors opening and told Alia I had to go and ended the call. I went back to watching tv with my resting bitch face, but really I wanted to smile for a million years straight.
Layer in the afternoon I went upstairs and started packing. I actually kind of looked forward to it. Yeah there's one problem about it,but I'd be basically living with Alia. I would Also be away from my family.
You see, my family are the most problematic people I've met. We're always disagreeing and arguing. It either between my father and my mother, me and my mother, me and my siblings, or my brother and my father. There's always yelling and negativity. Sometimes I start to think that everyone secretly hates each other. It's hard sometimes. I know that I get in a lot of arguments with my mother. Always about stupid things like forgetting to wash the dishes. When I'm gone I would have a break. Finally.
Maybe I could make this work. I can have a new start and make friends. People wouldn't know about My Little Secret would they? Except maybe they would. Well maybe they'll be quicker to forget. I hope.
Maybe everything will go good.
I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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