Chapter 14

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Lu woke up not knowing what time was it. She was thirsty and extremely hungry she tried to wake up but her body won't let her one bit. She groan in frustration while seeing the place which was familiar, she blink a few times to confirmed where was she and it hit her- She was in Ciel's house this whole time. She turned her head slightly knowing this was someone's room and to see Ciel's clothes hanging there she blush bright red of embarrassment. She saw herself wasn't wearing her own clothes she was wearing a gothic dress (image) and she blush more and thinking he is a perv.  

'I'm in his house and in his room and on his bed.....eeppp!! What if he slept with me this whole time and the clothes....... he.... changed for me........PERRVERTTT!!!!!!!!!' She screamed in her mind loudly while seeing the door creaked open. Seeing who was it she was scared and tense if it's Ciel but it was just Alive who came in with a set of clothes and it was similar to her's and what Alice was wearing. She let out a relief sigh in her mind that she presume that Alice helped her to change and all. Alice noticed she was awake as she just look at her at the corner of her eye while exiting the room. Lu look at her go while she heard a loud thud coming from outside and finding out that Ciel was on the ground. Lu guessed he trip but when Alice was on him she was  the disgust face instead of giving sympathy to him. 

"Now pick who to take care of you using your gaze: This perv here or me?" Alice asked while stepping on his back more while Lu gaze on Ciel since she knows him more than Alice. Alice saw it while stepping back from Ciel who was hurt from just now surprise attack. He groan in pain while Alice threw him the clothes that she was holding. She left without a word but she was smirking before she went out, well that was Lu's vision. Ciel got up while groaning in pain, Lu was still looking at him with expecting food from him like last time but Ciel just look at her with a blank expression. Her tummy growled while she flustered of embarrassment, Ciel noticed it while putting her clothes aside and went out. 

'This is sooo embarrassing than I thought it would be. Now Ciel knows that I'm really hungry and maybe I could eat his cooking again. Wait why I want to eat his cooking in the first place??' Lu thought while mentally fighting with her own self.'I must remain calm and be more mature....'

"Here. Try to open your mouth when I told you." Ciel said while bringing a tray having a bowl of porridge and another small bowl and a spoon. He put it on the table as he put her body right up and put some of the porridge into the small bowl. He took a scoop out of it as he blew it, Lu was still looking at him blankly until she saw him going to spoon-feed her straight. Her face was lit with tint pink on her cheeks while she opened her mouth as he fed her. 'It's delicious, it's warm and I missed that taste.' She thought while tears whelmed in her eyes while Ciel just look at her wtihout thought he kissed her forehead while bringing her head to his chest. 

"I should explain eyerything to you right here before it's too late. The truth is I was the one who killed your parents after you were borned. I brought you to a new home and said to the old couple that your parents were took away from the mafia gang. Soon after that I was teleported to Lanox after so many years and I found you again. You were no normal human, you were preserved by the Devil Fruit that I was sent to hunt you down. It preserved you for so long and then we made a contract. I used, threathened and protected the love ones for both my own sake and the protection for the El gang. You might forgotten the days we've spent with them but I won't blame you, after all it's my fault that you were like this. I can't tell to your previous self, I just can't because I'm too scared to hurt you. You quitted after hearing one part of it but I wasn't able to tell you that you will die after breaking the contract and the day after that, you died just like that. I attened your funeral with the El Gang and I wasn't able to confess my feelings towards you and it was too late. I don't want you to suffer again I want you to be free but seems like fate is not done with my deeds. You got the rights to hate me from the bottom of your heart, the killer of your parents and the one that ruined you whole. Somehow I wanted to tell you 'I love you' before you knew about this but..... the past is in the past already, neh? Why I'm so afraid of losing you when you are not mine?" Lu said soft, weakly but clearly while tears was dripping from her pale face. All those years the pain she beared was slowly washed away from her but she knew she wasn't free because she had loved him for years but he didn't know till now. Ciel didn't say anything as he pulled her face up as they're lips touced as the silence broke out. After a few seconds like this they seprarated from each other. Lu was blushing and stop crying while Ciel hung his head low, unable to look at her in the eye.       

"No wonder I was attached to you slowly and feeling hatred from him. After all this time had pass, the past is the past but I could feel that feeling even now." Ciel said while scratching his head a little. 

"I don't care about this anymore, let it go already. It won't do any good after all your suffering. Past present, who cares at least you're able to confess it all to me before it's too late the second time. I won't hate you Lu since you are my savior and master in the past, you had suffer enough and now it's the time for me to protect you." Ciel said while looking away a slight of pink was at his face as Lu smiled, comfort by those words she touch his hand while slowly holding it. Ciel held it tighter while pulling his jacket closer to his face. He wouldn't want Lu to see him blush but it's backfiring when Lu slightly giggled. Alice came while glaring at Ciel while dragging him out as she close the door behind him. 

"Now you've eaten and did your 'privacy' let's get you bath and I will be the one doing that." Alice said while a demon behind her carried Lu into the bathroom as it vanished. Lu was still blushing as Alice strip as she dip into the bathtub first. Lu slowly stip as she dip with her as Alice helped her with her hair and back the rest is up to Lu since Alice don't want to meddle too much. 

"Tell me Lu, what is your mother probably doing after a week and still unkown of your dissapearance?" Alice asked while Lu paused for a while 'A week had past? In that case.....Oh no.' Lu thought while she snapped when Alice was waving her hand in front of her.

"Let me rephrase that: What were you two scheming behind this?" Alice said with a stern voice while showing Lu photos that she herself didn't know but somehow she knew it was trouble. A demon errupting, Lanox region started to get more destructive, the beam of power shot out from her mansion; this was all so familiar yet she didn't know anything about it. Lu's expression changed into a serious one while Alice was already ready for this expression as she waited for her answer. 

"Ho? Scheming at the behind schenes for this? I have no idea what you're saying. If you want the answers so badly why not track my mother herself since she's the mastermind on this." Lu said in a sarcastic tone while Alice was holding herself down instead of blasting this place down. 

"This is why I kept you alive. Hmph I guess an ungrateful brat like you will never be useful in these situations." Alice said while going out. Lu continued bathing while rethinking of her words, 'Brat?! How am I a brat when you look like one too hmph. At least I answered your question instead of ignoring you. Ungrateful hag like you will never understand what I got through.' She thought while grumbling with anger as she was done with her bath as she went out. She wore Alice's clothes even though she dislikes it but it was a perfect fit. Ciel came in to check on her again as he saw her grumbling with fury as she was stomping out with her piece of her mind as Ciel sigh as he stop her. He pick her up high like a kid while Lu was still struggling to get off. He gave her another light kiss on the forehead as she stop her movements and look at him, processing what just happened just now as she smiled and kissed him back. She cant be angry all the time, right? 

♣Book 1♣「Elsword」 Done With YouWhere stories live. Discover now