Anouncements and Love Confessions

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* Sorry for the long wait. I've  been really busy and I had to babysit my lil sisters but I've updated more it also took a long time cause i ran out of ideas but I got some FINALLY so yea I got some ideas. so here is the rest of the story that you've been waiting for*



The bell rings for the announcements, over the speakers, Miss Bessie nicely says "Children, please prepare for this morings announcements, this Friday, you will have some visitors. Visitors that will chose to adopt you. Please be on your best behavior and don't embarrass yourselves. Thank you, so this whole week I need you to practice what you are going to say. Thank you and you may resume what you we're doing or practice your lines,"
Pfffft, no ones gonna wanna adopt me. So why would I need to practice my lines.
"Bella this is great we need to practice our lines and quick," he says excitedly
As soon as he sees me not moving he frowns, "Bella whats wrong? Dont you want a family, this our chance to get out of this
hell hole and we could learn how to lead a real life," he says kinda emotional.

"An, you don't get it yet. Nobody wants to adopt me. No one. I'll never experience a life. I'm just gonna Stay here, and if you leave or even I did get adopted who's gonna take care of me when Ally is around, all they'll do is torture me like my old parents, maybe everyone is right no one will adopt my I already had 20 families check me out and no one adopted me yet," I tell him in a whisper

He comes towards me, he picks me up so he can sit down on my bed and he sits me on his lap and the unexpected happens,  he kisses me on the lips, his his is full of wonder, love, and happiness, he eventually pulls away gives me one quick kiss again and our foreheads are touching, "Bella, I love you, please don't think like that, or say that again, I hate seeing you like this, it breaks my heart to see you like this, wherever you go, I go, if you stay, I'm gonna stay too, I won't ever want to leave your side, just please stop thinking all like this, no one is gonna hurt you when I'm around, if you die, I'm gonna find a way to follow you," he tells me crying, "Bella, you'll get adopted, just wait okay?" "Okay, Anthony clean your face your gonna make me cry too if you don't stop, " I admit

"Sorry," he apologizes I tell him I accepted his apology.

"Wait, Anthony, did you really kiss me?" I feel as if it we're a dream. But it felt real.

"yes, I did," he tells me but I still feel as if it were a dream

"did you really tell me, that you love me?" Again as if it we're a dream.

"well to tell you truth, Bella, but yes I did kiss you, and yes I did tell you I love you," he says shyly and embarrassed

"Anthony, are you trying to tell that you loved me this whole time and didn't bother to tell me?"

"Bella I didn't tell you because I didn't think you think of me the same way I think of you,"

"What does that mean?" I ask him as I jump off his lap and hit my butt on the hard floor, I wince, God Dammit, I had to land on my freakin' butt, didn't I? I try to get up but I landed hard as hell, it hurts, Anthony must've heard me when I winced be cause he gets down and picks me up brydle-style and lays me carefully on my bed so I won't hurt myself more.


No Allys back

Hahaha do you really think this boy is right, he's wrong no one will adopt you, your worthless,

No shut up already your the wrong one,

Do you really think some one will want to pick a stupid worthless crazy child like you, who would want to accept you, there was 20 or more families that came to check you out and they left,

No go...

I'm right Bella I was always right like when I said those families won't take you with them, guess who was right I was no one is gonna adopt you,

Shut up get out of my head I hate you leave me alone

Fine but I need you to promise me one thing, if you get adopted and they torture you that you thank me for being the right one let's find out the results on Friday shall we?

"Bella are you okay?"

"Yea I'm okay let's just go to sleep," I tell him as he lies down next to me and embraces me.

"Sure, Bella when I said I loved you and when I kissed you I actually meant, when you asked me what I meant on how I think of you is... here's the truth...I want you,"

" what does that mean? you already have me," I tell him confused

"No Bella I want you to be my Girlfriend,that's why I kissed you and told you I love you, "

"Ohhh, so are we official,"

"Only if you agree to be mine and nobody else's, "

"One word, three letters"

"What is your answer?"

"Yes," I admit

"Yes what," he asks

"I'm yours," I tell him

"I Love You, Bella, you'll be safe with me, I'll never leave you alone,"

"I love you, too, Anthony, 'night love," I say tiredly

"Night', Babe," I'm glad we're together now, I mean, I've always had a crush on him, after that I see darkness.

Hey this chapter is supposed to take place on a wensday. Sorry if I got you confused. So yea for the next chapter I'm gonna skip it to Friday. Bye.

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