Flashback~Part 54: Exams

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Ashley: I'm glad thats over.

Mahi: I know. My neck hurts from looking down at the paper.

Ashley: Well mid-terms exams are over, let's celebrate.

Mahi: Tomorrow. I'm really tired. Plus I got the night shift today.

Ashley: You work at a bookstore!!!!

Mahi: She's old and I like it there. Feels like home to me.

Ashley: Speaking of home, are you going to see yours parents in Australia?

Mahi: No

Ashley: Not even for christmas?

Mahi: Nope. Alright see you tomorrow. I'm going to take a nap.

Ashley: Byeeeeee


Mahi: Hi Mrs. Davis (putting her purse aside)

Mrs. Davis: Well hello darling. How did the exams go?

Mahi: Good I guess.

Mrs. Davis: What are you doing here? You should go and relax

Mahi: I took a nap (stacking the books)

Mrs. Davis: (stopping her) Mahi, you need to live a little.

Mahi: I am

Mrs. Davies: You're not. Now put the books down and text your friend

Mahi: Mrs. Davis that's not necessary.

Mrs. Davis: (getting her coat) Thats order, yound lady.

Mahi: Fine. Bye. (kissing her on the cheek)

Mrs. Davis: Namasta

Mahi: No, it's Namastee

Mrs. Davis: Namasta

Mahi: No...oh never mind...


Ashley: Hello (picking up the phone)

Mahi: Where are you?

Ashley: Going to the Rink club. Why?

Mahi: Meet you there in 15 minutes.

Ashley: Yayy!!! (hanging up the phone)


Mahi got to her apartment and search her closet. All she got was short sleeve and strapless dress left.

Mahi: I am not freezing to death. Now where is that dress?

~~~~1 Hour Later~~~~~~~~

Mahi:(answering the phone) Hey where are you?

Ashley: At the apartment

Mahi: What are you doing there? I'm already at the Rink.

Ashley: We had a fashion crisis. I'm be there in 10 minutes.

Mahi: Fine (hanging up)


Mahi; Excuse me, can I have a stock on the rocks?

Bartender: Yes, right away madam.

Mahi: (grabbing the drink) And I'm gonna have a tab

Bartender: Hard week?

Mahi: Very. Thanks


Mahi sat down in the longue and took out her phone. She couldn't help eavesdropping at this couple fighting.

"I told you it's over. I don't have any feelings for you anymore."

"How can you say that? After all we been through. I took you to my family beach house!"

"I'm sorry"

"Well I don't believe you. You said you love me."

"Yeah I said that 2 months ago."

"Are you gay?"

Mahi choked on her drink.


"Then why you wouldn't want to be with me? All the guys in this university wants me. I'm only great thing that happened in your life."

"I'm sorry"

"For what?! We're not breaking up. Thats final."

"Do you love me?"

"No but I like you."

"Then what's the point of dating!!!"

"I serious don't understand you guys. All the guys want me.."

"Yeah yeah. I know."

"If you know, then why you want to break up with me?"


"Who needs love?"

Mahi started to feel bad for the guy.

"Love is everything...."

Mahi: Who's this girl? (pointing to the blondie)

"Excuse me, who are you? Akash do you know her?"

Akash: No

Mahi: (spilling her drink on Akash's face) WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW ME? I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND. YOU IDIOT!


Akash: I have no idea what's she's talking about.

Mahi: How could you forget about me? Oh I know you're mad that I said no when you purpose to me, right?

Blondie: Purpose?!

Mahi: Yeah. He purpose to me 3 days ago. Honey I know you're mad but try to understand but now I'm totally ready, I'm ready to marry you, darling.

Blondie: I can't believe you purpose to her! (pointing to Mahi)

Mahi: Whos this fatty? (point to Blondie)

Blondie: I can't take this anymore. WE'RE DONE!

Akash: Daniella! Wait! I can't explain.(going after her)

Mahi: What are you doing? (holding Akash's arm)

Akash: What do you mean? You made my girlfriend broke up with me. I don't even know you and you....Wait...Ohhhh now I get it

Mahi: You can thank me you know.

Akash: Thank you ms...

Mahi: Mahi and you're welcome mr..

Akash: Akash. How did you know that I was...

Mahi: I was sort of eavesdropping

Akash: Ohhh. You know it's bad listen to other people's conversation

Mahi: But it's good helping people

Akash: Well said

Mahi's phone began to ring....

Mahi: I got to get this.

Akash: Thanks again, Mahi

Mahi: No problem (getting her stuff)

Akash: Wait! Let me buy you a drink.

Mahi: Sorry. I only let my friends buy me drinks.

Akash: We're not friends?

Mahi: I don't even know you.

Akash: Then why did you help me?

Mahi: Love at first sight maybe. Bye (walking out of the door)


Akash: Crazy but hot

~~~~~~~~Comment on how you feel about Akash and don't forget to like. XOXO-T.~~~~~~~~~~

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