You Don't Know Me Chapter Nine: Side Effects Include...

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Alright guys, I've been getting pretty good feedback so thank you too all who continue to make me so happy! I will continue with the story, hope you like it:)


Ariella's P.O.V.

"Get off." he lightly pushed me off of him and into the now bitterly cold water. I didn't want to respond to what he said, it sort of put me into reality feelings and sobered me up. I saw him from the corner of my eyes begin to get up.

"What." It came off of more of a statement the way I said it, a demand. He laughed a twisted laugh, you could tell a nasty remark would be made. He didn't face me as he talked to me just continued to look on into the distance, away from me.

"This thing we keep doing, it's fucking boring me. Let's stop." he casually puts out like he is telling me something anyone would tell someone. I can see him looking at me with a slight discomfort and pity, but he held his act together.

I didn't want his pity or his attitude, I just wanted Ash. Soft tears began to rise to my eyes, I could feel them prickle ready to fall but i caught it on my arm before.

"Boring you? You're the one who wanted to help me when I told you no. This isn't a one person thing Ash, if this thing you're talking about is boring then maybe it's you. You know what, fuck you. Fuck you, you always ruin things like this." I snapped as I still shiver in the water. He looks down at me from above and just chuckles.

"Fuck you too, I hate what you do to me." he spat out into the night air. I could have slapped his face so hard, or grabbed the empty beer bottle near me and knock him out. But I didn't. I said nothing, he didn't deserve a response. He hates what I do to him? And what's that, that I do to him?

He drunkingly laughed his ass of to his truck and before I knew it the engine was going as he drove out of my sight. Gone. Like magic, Ash just disapeared. The drunk bastard left me here.

I got up to put on my clothes that were now sopping wet. I lay down on the thick coverting of grass and looked up. I cried. I cried because of my life. I cried because of him. I cried because I was already crying. I cried.

It felt like forever until I could hear the loud engine come back into the sketchy woods. My face was blank as he walked over and stood looking down at my face.

"Sorry, I'm a douchebag when I'm drunk." he tells me without real emotion in his face.

"You're a douchebag sober or drunk." I respond quietly. He doesn't argue, just picks me up in my cold wet clothes and wraps me up in the blanket. He scans my face under the lights.

"Did you cry?" Ash asks me, afraid of the answer I know it. But he already knows, he knows the bags under my eyes weren't there before.

"No." I respond firmly, as he drops me gently into the back of his truck, I notice he climbs in along with me. He takes his arm and wraps it around me in the blanket.

"Ariella, I love you." he tells me after a long pause of silence. 

This time he wasn't too drunk to not know what he was saying, his voice was clear and crisp. I had no words to follow. My mouth became dry of me not knowing what to respond with.

'I...I can't." I respond and his gaze falls on me. As if he already knew my answer.

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