Hetalia: Hetalia x Reader Oneshots (for girls...)

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You clamber onto the closet and crouch there, shaking in fear. You don't know why Nikolai was in your house, but you were frightened as Anya. "Let's get married, (y/n)." Nikolai's voice echoed down the corridor of your house and you whimpered. The next thing you know, Nikolai is next to you staring at you with those creepy purple (is it purple??? im sorry I forgot:() eyes and you... blushed??? "N-N-Nikol-l-lai! Wh-what are you doing h-here?" "I have come for my bride,(y/n)." The line almost made you want to laugh as it sounded so sincere, but you remembered this was BELARUS. "A-Anya's n-not h-here, Nikolai." Nikolai's eyes gazed into yours for a while, before putting his head in his hands. You stayed still, not knowing what to do, so you settled for oratory comfort. "Nikolai," you said in your voice you used to comfort your little (bro/sis/cous/) when (s/h) was little and sad. "What's wrong?"  He sniffed and you realized he was crying. 'D'awwwwww, he's so adorable- what?! shuddup brain!' You mentally kicked your brain in the arse before rubbing soothing circles on Nikolai's back. Nikolai made that shuddering sound you make when you hold your breath while crying and your breath hitched as you watched the once intimidating man break down. " Geez Nikolai, what's wrong?" You rubbed your cheek against his hair and noticed how soft it was. You knew people liked calming physical contact when they were sad or angry, and this had earned you the title of "Cat". For obvious reasons. Nikolai gulped and stared into your eyes and you felt heartbroken staring at his watery, glazed over orbs. Wait... heartbroken? "Eh? Nikolai? What's wrong?" You rubbed his broad shoulders. "Why is everyone scared of me?" You were quite taken aback by his question and nervously giggled, rubbing the back of your neck. "Uhh... Look, Nikolai. If you chase people around with a knife or something and glare at them all the time, they assume you're angry at them. And since you're so much stronger than them, instead of being angry back, they just run away so they don't get hurt." You nervously glanced at him, waiting for a negative reaction. But he just blinked like this was new to him and hung his head. You inwardly giggled at his cluelessness. "Cheer up Nikolai! Being strong has its advantages! Like... if Anya is in trouble you can help her!" Nikolai raised his eyebrow. "cecTpa can look after herself. I need to protect my bride." You felt really confused. "But... isn't Anya your bride...?" "Nyet, you are." Nikolai grinned and kissed you. You turned 20 shades of red but melted into the kiss.

Hetalia: Hetalia x Reader Oneshots (for girls...)Where stories live. Discover now