France 1

679 27 9

Love Letters

"You ignore me

You avoid me

Do you hate me?

I follow you

I compliment you

I know I love you."

You scrunched the paper up and lobbed it into the trash can in one shot, silently complimenting yourself on the awesome throw. You had a secret crush on someone and you hated yourself for it. Not because you liked, but WHO you liked. The frog. And the way you dealt with this was by ignoring him and avoiding him. You knew he sent the letter, but you thought he knew and wanted to get into your pants and have a quickie. The truth was, the Frenchman was in love with you and felt a piece of his heart break off when you lobbed the paper into the trash can. He knew you knew he sent the letter, but he thought you hated him. He caught that smile on your face, thinking that the smile was because you enjoyed tormenting him, rushed out of the room in tears. Now, since you weren't a monster, you rushed out after him. "Francis! Francis! C'mon buddy, don't be like this! It's Valentines Day! Look. C'mon out and we'll go have a drink together. France? Francy? Fran?" Francis jumped out of his hiding spot, furious. "WHAT KIND OF DEVIL ARE YOU?!" You felt confused and hurt. "H-huh?" "YOU TORMENT ME! YOU TOY AND PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS AND AFTER YOU'VE BROKEN ME YOU ACT ALL NICE AND I~(voicecrack) I forgive you. And you break me again. BECAUSE YOU'RE A WITCH AND YOU HATE EVERYONE AND FIND PLEASURE IN TORTURING PEOPLE!" Francis was on his knees now, tears streaming down his face. You were slowly backing away, tears rolling down your cheeks. "I ALWAYS WONDERED WHAT YOU REALLY THOUGHT OF ME FRANCIS! I ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT HOW MANY LIES YOU MADE UP ABOUT ME! I should have never fallen for you." And you spun upon your heel, sobbing, and ran towards your classmate who had just walked into the scene and cried into her shoulder. She glared at Francis before rubbing soothing circles on your back and guiding you to the female toilets to clean your face. Afterwards, she had sat down with you and you had a friendly conversation where the silences were comfortable and you had completely forgotten about Francis. Meanwhile... "Lies... Fallen for moi...?" Realization hit Francis. You had been avoiding him to wear off your crush, but he had jumped to conclusions. "Oh no. Zis is very bad." He rushed around searching for you and yelling your name, until he finally caught sight of you. "(Your name) Mademoiselle!" You twitched, but didn't react and kept talking to your friend. He grabbed your arm and you flinched and violently shook it off in one shake. Tears poured down your face. "Get the FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, BONNEFOY!" You spat his name as if it were a curse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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