Chapter 9

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Michaels P.O.V

Soon after my birthday, dad and Liz finally returned from their god awful long trip. I'm glad that they're back but another part of me liked having it just the four of us boys. Mostly because I didn't have to attend school as often as I do now. I mentally thank Luke at least ten times a day for the new phone so that I didn't have to explain to dad and Liz why mine was broken.

Today was Tuesday, and once again, I was standing outside of the school, leant against the brick wall waiting for my stepbrother; who had grown an immense habit of walking home with me on the days I attended school with him.

Not that I exactly mind walking home with him. In fact, it was only of the only things I looked forward to that came along with school. Jack never walked with us anymore. It was always just him and I. Even if we didn't talk the whole 15 minutes we walked, we still were with each other; and that was all that mattered to us.

While waiting, I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was looking down at my phone. I looked up expecting to see the blue eyes I've grown fond of. Instead I was met with brown ones.

"Oh, hey Oliver." I smiled at him whilst locking my phone and putting it in my pocket.

"Thought you didn't have one?" he smirked as if he had caught me.

"It's new. Luke got it for me for my birthday."

"That was nice of him."

I agreed not really knowing what else there was to be said. I looked around hoping to spot a blonde quiff throughout the crowd of students piling out of the school doors.

"Looking for someone?" Oliver snapped me out of my trance of looking for the boy by asking.

I sighed, I just want to get home instead of stand here but I don't want to be rude to the guy who hasn't done anything wrong.

"Just Luke, have to walk home with him." I explain.

"Have to?"

"I meant want to." I correct myself.

"Ah, you guys close or?"

"I mean, I guess. I don't really know." and that was the truth.

I didn't know if Luke and I were close or not. Sometimes he acts like I don't exist, and then at other times he acts like I'm his favorite person in the world to exist. Sometimes he acts like my stepbrother, which he is, but at others he will act like he thinks of me as more. Whether it be small gestures of coming into my room just to cuddle; or at times he'll guide me walking by placing his hand on my lower back. And I mean, lower back. The nicknames that he never had called me up until this point. At least once every hour he makes sure I'm okay; whether it be making sure I have food and water in my system, or if it's making sure I'm not sad. He never use to do that. The only time he ever came in my room was if dad or Liz told him to come get me for dinner or something. The random kisses on my cheek, or my forehead. Stepbrothers don't do that, do they? Luke could barely look at me when we had first met, but now every time we're in the same room, I catch his eyes on me but as soon as he knows I noticed, he'll look away as if it was nothing.

My thoughts that are making my head pound and my heartbeat speed up ten times faster than before Luke was on my mind, are interrupted when Oliver asks me something.

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