1 - you're cute

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the picture is Amy

"I can't believe it, Amy Green is finally moving out of her parents house at 20 years old" Karen, Amy's younger sister said. "Oh shut up, you're just mad that I'm leaving you alone with mom and dad" Amy joked. Deep down it pained her to leave her younger sister alone with their parents. 

With Amy being the first born, she was the favorite; and she hated it. The way her parents treated her was far from the way their parents treated Karen, she couldn't help but worry about her seventeen year old sister being alone in the house with them. 

"Please don't go, don't leave me" Karen said, almost on the verge of tears. "Karen you'll be fine with out me, and if you ever need me I'm only 3 hours away" Amy says pulling Karen into a hug. "You bought a two bedroom apartment right?" Karen whispers to Amy. 

Amy nods her head, "so if you run away you come to me, and if you drop out and move out you come to me okay? but you have to pay rent if you do" Amy said pulling away.

To their parents, Amy had only bought a one bedroom apartment just for herself, but she knew Karen, and she knew her parents. Without Amy around there was no one there to protect her little sister. "Of course, I already have a paying rent jar in my room" Karen smiles.

"Alright is my little girl ready to go?".

"Dad stop, you're going to make me cry" Amy says hugging him.

"Promise you'll visit?"

"Of course mom, I wouldn't dream of a world without coming home to your pasta on friday nights" Amy laughs hugging her mother too.

After her parents help pack her car with all of her belongings she looks over at Karen who is standing idly by the front door. Amy mouths an 'i love you' to Karen, who gives her a small smile before walking inside the small house. 

"Well I have to get going, I'll text you guys later" Amy says making her way towards the car. She gives her parents one last hug before getting into the the drivers seat. She watches as her mother wipes away the tears on her face and her father smiles widely. Her thoughts could only focus on Karen standing in her bay window.She takes a deep breath before she back out of the drive way and is on the road to her new apartment, closer to the community college that she's already going to.


"Okay so we got all of your stuff up to your apartment, but there's a few more downstairs that we can't get to because we have another job to get to, will you be able to handle them?" the moving guy asked. 

Amy looks over at the boxes lying on the lobby floor, "oh yeah totally, here's the money for the helping me move all my stuff" Amy said handing the guy the money she owes. "Thank you, have a good day" he says. "You too" she nodded.

She looks at the boxes again suddenly realizing that she will have to make multiple trips just to get all of the boxes upstairs. She pulls her dark chestnut long fine hair into a messy bun before examining the boxes. "I'm fucked" she laughs to herself knowing that the boxes are way to heavy for her to carry. 

She tried to pick up one of the boxes labeled 'accessories' thinking that it would be the least heaviest box out of the five. Within seconds the box drops to the floor as the lobby fills with the sound of four loud boys, startling her. She glares at them, catching their focus before quickly returning to pick up the box off the floor. She hears their silent whispers before one of the boys approach her. 

"Hey, you're cute". Amy looks up and sees a boy dirty blond curly hair and lovely hazel eyes, at least that's what Amy thought when she saw them. His words came with cocky tone which irked Amy. "Do not tell me the only reason you came over here was to flirt with me" Amy sassed, not breaking eye contact. He remained silent, "anyways, I'm busy right now, so I have no time to flirt back" Amy said, hoping that what she just said will help with her plan. She saw him examining the boxes, "are these yours? do you need help?" he asked.

BINGO! she shouted to herself in her mind.

"Actually yes, I just moved in and I can't figure out how to get these boxes upstairs to my apartment" she said giving the boy a shy smile, meanwhile she was dancing on the inside. "Hey guys, let's help this girl out" he said gesturing towards the boxes. Amy smiled to herself happily that her plan worked.

"Thank you guys for the help, I would probably still be downstairs trying to figure out how to get these fucking boxes up here" Amy sighed dropping the box onto the couch. Amy turned around and they all just looked at her. "What?" she asked. "You just cursed?" a blonde asked. "Yeah, doesn't everyone?" Amy asked confused. "Sorry, Luke over here is a little fucking angel and has never said one bad thing or done one bad thing" the boy with the eyebrow piercing rolled his eyes. "Wow, a saint" Amy said crossing her arms, "I've never met a saint before" Amy laughed. Luke blushed and walked away.

"So what's your name?" the boy with the eyebrow piercing asked.

"Amy, what's yours?" she asked back

"Michael, that's Calum, and that's Ashton, the boy who tried flirting with you but failed miserably" Michael said. "Who said he failed?" Amy asked. The boys oh's made Ashton's head shoot up, "wait what?" he asked. Amy smiled, "Well thank you for helping me carry these boxes up here, but I should probably get to unpacking" she says, giving them the hint that they should leave

The boys nod and say their goodbyes before they walk out the door. Before she knows it Ashton's voice surprises her, "well if you need me I'll be right next door" Ashton winked. She rolled her eyes and closed the door in his face. Once the door was closed she smiled. She liked a good chase. She turns around to face her main room to see the amount of boxes scattered all over the floor and the couches. 

"This is going to be a long night"


OKAy i know this chapter is kind of boring and slow but I swear it will get better, although i don't know if I should leave this story in third or first person

but we'll just see how this goes, if anything I'll change things up

but i hope you guys like this, and i hope this turns out to be a great story.

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