2 - coffee

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Lisa ^

"Hey you said you needed help" my friend Lisa asked as she walked through my apartment door.  I let out a sigh of relief, "thank god you're here, I have no idea where to hang these" I say holding up two frames. "You really called me over here to help you decide where your photo frames go?" she chuckled. I nod my head. 

Lisa has been my best friend since I was eight years old, we bonded over our love for ham sandwiches in the school yard; of course our love for ham has diminished since then. She's been there through every important moment of my life and I intend to keep her around for as long as I can. 

"How about you put them both behind the tv, like one on each end" she says measuring the length of the wall. I nod my head and put the frames down, grabbing for some nails and a hammer. I motion for her to help me. 

After that's done and over with we both fall back onto the couch, "I didn't realize how tiring that would be" Lisa chuckles. "So you want to watch some movies?" I ask her lifting myself off of the couch. She follows me and shakes her head, "can't, I already made plans with my roommate to help decorate our room" she says rolling her eyes.

Lisa and I are both going to community college, only she got on campus housing. I would've applied for on campus housing also, but I needed to have an extra room just incase my sister decides to stay with me. 

"Text me when you get back so I know you're safe" I say giving her a hug. She nods her head before leaving. I look around the apartment, happy with the way it looks. The apartment was already furnished when I put down my deposit, I just added the groceries and picture frames. I look at the time and realize that it's already seven o'clock at night. 

I grab my laptop off from the coffee table and walk into the kitchen to make some coffee, only to realize that coffee was the only thing I forgot to pack. I cursed under my breath realizing that I had two options, either spend the rest of the night drained of energy while I try to write my poetry, or I suck it up and ask one of the neighbors if they have any coffee I can borrow. 

I place my laptop onto the kitchen counter and grab my phone before exiting my apartment to go next door. I knock on the door and wait for a response, before I know it I'm face to face with the same curly haired boy from earlier. 

"I knew you would come visit me" he smirked. I rolled my eyes, "don't flatter yourself sweetheart, I just need to know if you have coffee" I say. I'm not really a people person, so the less interaction, the better. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't" he shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms, "if you want coffee, you need to be a little bit more nice" he says now leaning against the door frame.  I couldn't help but admire his face. The way his face looks so relaxed, while also seeming like he wants to let his smile show. "I'm sorry, caffeine withdrawal" I say giving him a small smile. He smiles wide and give me a cocky look, "that's more like it".

He turns and walks away, leaving the door open for me to enter. Our apartments are almost identical, except for the band posters and drum kit in the corner of the living room. I follow his hums into the kitchen as he goes through his cabinets searching for a bag of coffee. "Duncan is okay right?" he asks holding up a dark brown bag. "Perfect" I smile. I go to grab the bag from his hands, but he pulls away. "How about I make the coffee for you? Seeing that you're already here" he insists. I shake my head, "no it's okay, I don't want to be a bother, besides I have work to do" I say trying to reach for the bag again, but he repeats his actions from before. "I'm going to make it, have a seat" he says turning around. I think for a moment, I don't even know this guy and I don't want to be rude. I decide to do what he says and take a seat at the counter as he pours the coffee grounds into the machine and turns it on. 

"So tell me, what is a beautiful girl like you doing in a two bedroom apartment all alone?" he asks leaning onto the counter. My heart skips a beat at the word beautiful, I haven't had a guy call me beautiful in two years. Just hearing the word gives me a bittersweet feeling. "I don't think that is any of your business" I say avoiding his compliment. He gives me a playful expression, "come on we're neighbors, I'm being neighborly" he smiles. His smile is so captivating to me, and I can't understand why. I'm usually good at reading people and their intentions, but I can't read him and that scares me. "I have a sister back home, so just incase if she ever needs to get away, I'm there" I tell him. Now that I think about it I should probably call my sister, see how she's doing. "Well you're a very good sister then" he says. Once the machine dings he returns his focus on pouring the coffee into two mugs. 

We continue our conversation as we drink the coffee. He tells me stories of him and his friends, they seem really fun but also really stupid. His laugh is contagious, I never knew how much a giggle could make you crush so hard. I tell him about college and that I'm an english major, and I've learned that he doesn't do school. I finish my cup of coffee, and respectfully wait for him to finish his before I say my goodbye. 

"Amy was it?" he asks walking me towards the door. I nod my head, "Ashton right?" I ask in the same tone of voice. "I'm having a party on friday, you should stop by. You could make some friends" he says holding the door open. "I would love too, but I'm actually going home friday night to visit my family" I say as I'm standing in the doorway. He moves closer to me pressing his warm hands against my cheek, "well, if you change your mind the invitation is still there" he says lowly. I stay quiet and nod my head against his hand before he removes it. I thank him for the coffee and rush back to my apartment. Once I'm back behind my closed door I let out a breath. 

I couldn't stop thinking of Ashton's hand on my cheek. How warm his hands were against my cheek, and the sweet smell of his cologne mixed with the scent of coffee. I barely know Ashton, yet he is all I can think about at the moment. I haven't thought about anyone in this way for two years. The thought of thinking that I might like Ashton without even knowing him scares the shit out of me, remembering the last time I felt this way about someone. I try my best to shake my mind from him and grab my laptop from the kitchen counter where I had left it. I look at the time and see that it is already nine, it didn't feel like I was at his apartment for two hours. I debated on whether or not I should even start to write my poetry since it was getting late and I had my first class in twelve hours. The coffee had given me so much energy that going to sleep now would just be a struggle of tossing and turning all night. 

I decide to write my poetry in bed as I grab my phone off the night stand to see a text from Lisa an hour ago telling me she made it back to campus safely. I lock my phone and place it back on the night stand, plugging it into it's charger. I couldn't help but think of Ashton as I wrote my poetry. It's been two years since I've written any type of romance poetry, the thought of liking Ashton scared me o my core, but it has been two years. Maybe I could open up again, maybe I can't. I let my thoughts drown as I begin writing. I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I know that it's time for me to sleep.


So I decided that I'm just going to write this in first person, but I thought I might as well write a chapter before I start getting ready for my class in 2 hours. I hope you like this chapter because it took me two days to write. I came up with this story years ago and I thought that maybe I can actually do something with it. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy.

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