Healed Wounds

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As I toss and turn in my bed, I couldn't help but stay up. All I could think about was the Doctor ... he must have so many stories from his travels and being the last of his kind. He surely must have great ones.
I sit up and it's night time, ten, I think. I get out of bed and quietly head down stairs. I walk into the living room and all that could be seen was the sign on the Tardis and the windows.

I walk up to it and feel it and it's completely made out of wood. "That's cool ..." I say and I heard the door unlock and I quickly move to the side and the Doctor looks out. "Hello? Wait ... why am I saying that? I'm in ____'s house ..." He walks out and heads out. The door shutting behind him, the only noise that could be heard was the sound of the Tardis.
I look up at his ship, and then over at where the Doctor went.

I couldn't resist following him. I don't know ... but something about him ... seems so familiar. I walk outside and I see him sitting by the crater. I walk over to him and he looks over and sees me. "Oi! I thought you were sleeping!" "I couldn't sleep." I sit down next to him and look over at him smiling. "So what are you doing out here?" I ask him, "I should be asking you that." "Hey I followed you out here."

"Well, I'm out here because of this crater." He looks down at the crater and so do I. "What's so special about this crater?" "Well ... you probably wouldn't believe this but ... this is where I crashed and met you." He looks over at me and I look at him,
"But ... You knocked on my door."
"Yes, that was after."

"After what?"

"Well. Before I met you earlier today, in a different time line, I crashed at this exact spot, one hour ago. You heard it, and came out to see what crashed. You found the Tardis right there, on its side." I look down at the crater.
"After a while I managed to get out and that's when I met you for the first time. You were so nice that I couldn't just accept anything you offered, you gave me a blanket when I was out here, you gave me something to eat, cereal is horrible by the way, and you gave me some tea." He stops, "I never met a girl like you who would be that kind to me for the first time. You were willing to help me fix the Tardis at one point."

"So ... there's another me?" I ask him.

"There were two more of you, but not anymore." "What happened to them?" "Well, I would tell you but it might be a little too much for you." "Professor," "Doctor." "Sorry, Doctor, I'm sure I can handle it."

"Well alright then ... The next morning I traveled to the morning of tomorrow to see you again. You showed me a picture of one of your ancestors from Yorkshire, I realized that I met her before, so I left you to go and talk to her, I managed to make her stay in Yorkshire, but that caused a new timeline of you which erased the first timeline. Where you were in London and didn't know me. I then had to go back to Yorkshire to talk to your ancestor,"
I nodded at what he was telling me, "I tried to go and convince her to leave Yorkshire to return the original time line, but what happened was that she died under my care..." The Doctor looked down, "I thought since that she was the only connection to you, once she died, you right now would no longer exist." He takes a breather,
"But, I was wrong ... her death ... created a whole new timeline that erased the first two, her death ... saved you ..." He moved a bit.
"I thought I lost you ... until I eventually got a call ... from you." He looks at me with a small smile, "What you said that made me so happy to see you when we met, was when you said, 'Never forget where you came from.' I said that to your ancestor ... and now, here we are talking."

A smile creeps onto my face, "That must've been hard to see her die ..." "It was ..." I then get up; I offer my hand to him. "Come on; let's go back inside, it's getting cold out." He smiles and grabs my hand and gets up. I walk back to the house with him, "I'll see if I can find some Fish fingers and Custard for you." We walk into the kitchen and the Doctor stands there as I went around the kitchen. I had his Fish Fingers and Custard, and I clean up, getting everything ready. He just starts smiling.

"It will be done in a minute." ____ looks over at him, as the Doctor watches her; he starts imagining her as ____ from Yorkshire walking around fixing her tea. That causes him to smile. He looks down at his pocket and pulls out a key. Looking at the key, he looks up at ____ and watches her fix things up. "Hey, ____ there's something I need to ask of you." "Sure, what is it?" She looks over at him with a smile,
The Doctor hesitates,
"Um ... could I get some ... tea?" He asked, "Oh yeah, sure!" She walks over to the tea pot she had on the stove earlier and starts to warm up the tea.

"Look I'm terribly sorry for keeping you up ____." The Doctor scratches his head. "Oh it's alright, there's no need to worry." ____ answers as she pours the hot tea in a cup and hands it to him, "Here is your nice hot tea!" She smiles as the Doctor takes it.

"Thank you." The Doctor smiles as he took a sip, "Amazing tea." He looks at the cup thinking, "is there something wrong Doctor?" He looks up at her, "Oh nothing." "Alright, the food is almost finished."

She pours the custard in a bowl for him, as the Fish Fingers were finished cooking, she gets them out of the oven. "They're pretty hot, so be careful." ____ tells the Doctor as he sits down at the table.
She sets the food down where he was sitting, "enjoy." She smiles at him and sat down at the table with him and her own cup of tea.

"So ..." The Doctor starts, as he eats, "You have no partner." "Yup I don't." "You do like painting and tea." "I do." That causes him to smile, "Good to have you back." He states and went back to eating as, ____, finishes her tea.
"Would you look at that, I finished my tea ..." She states looking in her tea cup. She gives a big sigh, "Welp, Doctor you are welcomed to stay as long as you want, and I think I might head to bed." She getd up and gives him a side hug. The Doctor smiles at her as he watches her head over to the stairs.
"Sleep well!" He calls out to her, "You too!" She replies as she walks upstairs yawning.

"Yes ... sleep well as for tomorrow we'll be off on an adventure ..." He mutters as he looks down at his key with a smile ...

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