Ch. 4

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That, as it turns out, was an absolutely terrible idea. The next branch was twenty feet down. Although Mangus tucked and rolled, he still twisted an ankle. The pain blurred his vision, and he cried out. 

 " Is everything okay?" Annabeth called down? 

 " The next branch is about twenty feet down from the hole, so try to land on something softe, like a leaf. " Annabeth jumped, and landed on something soft alright- Mangus. 

 " Sorry, " she called. Blitz and Hearth parachuted down with Blitzen's emergency parachute. While Blitzen stored it, Mangus waited for his ankle to heal. 

Annabeth finally noticed that Mangus was in pain. Even though Mangus said he was fine, he was obviously limping. Annabeth rummaged around in her backpack and finally pulled out a bag of slightly smashed ambrosia squares. 

And know, a POV. 

Magnus Chase and the quest for Frey ( ft. Annabeth)Where stories live. Discover now