Ch. 3

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    Mangus found out what his father meant when he awoke, or rather was awoken. Someone shook him awake, and before he knew what he was doing, he pulled out Jack the sword, and was straddling  his attacker on the floor. He shook the sleep out of his eyes, and looked down to discover his friend Hearthstone. He heard snickering, and looked up do see his other friend Blitzen

The trio were sitting on a couch in the lounge when Mangus broke the big news. " Guys, I have to go on a quest to find the sacred antler for my dad. " He told them about the mist, the voice, and even  Annabeth. They took it very well. Blitzen swayed in his seat, but didn't faint. Hearth just signed , really? Blitzen shook his head, then said simply, "We need to outfit you. I'm thinking that maybe a reversible vest, and maybe a tie..." 

He rambled on   on, about color cordinating, and fitting, and other stuff. Hearth twirled his finger beside his head, the sign for crazy. 

" What are you doing here? Did you know about my quest?" Mangus asked. What quest? Heath signed. We just came to ask you if you wanted to help Blitzen move into his new store, Blitzen's Best. " Sorry, guys, but the quest..." It's okay. Hearth signed. Can we  go too?

  Mangus finally relented after five minutes of begging and puppy dog faces. " Okay but there is only one condition. You do not question my decisions, and do not ask about Annabeth. Okay?"  They agreed, and then Mangus quickly opened a passage into the world tree. 

They climbed for a while, only having a minor incident when Blitzen fell and sprained a toe, but Mangus put that right quickly. Finally, Blitzen said, " Here, stop here." Mangus looked and saw a crack in which looked to be a department store. Mangus, being familiar with the World Tree, hopped right in, followed by Blitzen and Hearth. 

When they landed, he realized that they were in a department store, but with a twist. There was chain mail t-shirts, three piece suits that were woven from metal, and even shields and swords in the accessories isle.

" This... Wha... How... Blitz, is this your store?" Mangus managed to finally stutter out. " Yep! " Blitzen pronounced proudly. " How do you like it?" Without waiting for an answer, he started peppering Mangus with questions, like, " What is your size? Do you like silver or gold? Full suit or just the vest? Tie?"

 "Okay, I think I found one." Blitzen said after running through the store for a couple minutes. He held up a silvery vest, and when Mangus looked closer, he noticed that the vest was made  of really tiny chain links. It was incredibly light and flexible, like silk. 

" Wow Blitz, this is incredible! How much?" Mangus asked. " For a friend, nothing, as long as you keep me alive, haha." 

Mangus, Hearth, and Blitzen ( with a new suit, and dwarf netting pith helmet) set off for the little ducklings statue. When they got there, they saw Annabeth and immediately joined up with her. ( this might be confusing just pretend that they had a secret conversation during the last chapter  ok?) AnnAbeth was only slightly surprised when she saw a dwarf and an elf tagging along for the ride. 

Mangus quickly explained the situation " ...  And they kept bugging me until I took them along. Anyways,  they have useful skills. Blitzen here is a svartalfar, and he can craft useful things. And Hearthstone is an elf who knows runes. He even learned them with Odin. Now do you have a weapon?" 

Annabeth took out her knife. Mangus and Blitzen jumped back. Hearth just showed a slight expression of shock. 

 " So now, where is your transportation? Is it invisible?" Annabeth enquired.

" Actually, I think that we have to go to Vanaheim. That is the fourth duckling." Mangus said. He pulled out Jack and slashed a hole into the fabric of reality. Without looking, he jumped.

Magnus Chase and the quest for Frey ( ft. Annabeth)Where stories live. Discover now