Ch. 5

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 Note- sorry for that really short chapter, but I felt that I should start a POV in a new chapter. Also, sorry, but I have been spelling Magnus's name wrong.

Magnuss POV

 annabeth reached into her bag and pulled out a slightly crushed bag of ... Something. It looked a little like that time when my friend Jonah put Carmel fudge in his backpack for a few hours with the Lord of the Rings on top of it. 

" What is that?" I asked.

" Ambrosia" She replied. " Normally it is used heal wounds on demigods, but will burn mortals up. Hopefully, since you are a son of a Norse diety instead, it will work on you."

I tried it, and my leg suddenly felt warmer, and the pain lessened. It tasted like s'mores, from the times when my mom and I went camping I the hills with my mom. Annabeth must have read the look on my face, because she said, " It tastes like your favorite food.( I forgot what it actually tasted like, so I made it up. If anyone wants to leave a comment saying what it actually tastes like, go ahead.)

Immediately, I stood up and started moving towards the trunk, where the branches got closer together, and it was easy to climb. 

After about five minutes of walking, I looked and I saw a crack in the branch below us. I motioned for the others to catch up to us. 

" There" I said. " The  entrance to vanaheim is through there."

Annabeth, not knowing anything about the world tree, asked " Through the crack? Isn't that just the interior of the tree?

" Well, if you think that, why don't you jump first, wise girl."

" Only my boyfriend can call me that." She growled. " And yes, I will jump first. It is not like I haven't broken my ankle before." She stepped off into space, but it looked like she would overshoot the gap and land on the tree, fifty feet below.


Ha ha I just left that a cliffhanger. I am so sorry. You know what? Actually, I am not. Hahahahahahaha. I just needed to say sorry I haven't updated in like a century because I am writing a new book called Untitled so if you can read it that would be great. 

Be brave,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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