Ch. 2

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    Mangus started " I think I have to go on a - "  

    " quest" Annabeth interrupted. "What is it this time? Another wolf?" At this, Mangus cringed. " A giant squirell? For who? Where?"

    " First of all, do not mention giant squirells again. Ratastok is not a joke. I think it is for my father."

   " Who is your father?" Annabeth wondered.

     "  The god Frey. And I have no idea where to start." He glanced at his watch.  " Sorry, gotta go. See you soon!" With that, he left.


    Back at the Hotel Valhalla, Mangus pondered over the strange events of that day. He ran into Helgi, the hotel manager, and was almost impaled by a spear on the way in. He took the elevator up to the nineteenth floor, and was going to head straight to his room, but he ran into a cluster of his hallmates on his way there.

  " Hey Mangus!" Tj called. " Want to come to team battle to the death? It is starting in ten minutes, so get your sword and shield and meet us in the courtyard."

   Nine and a half minutes later Mangus was in the courtyard and was listening to TJ talking about the plan. " Okay, so here's the plan: Mallory, you are on defense. Back us up and kill anyone who gets in your way. That rule goes for everyone. Now Halfborn, you  are on point. Take the crest of that hill. Oh yeah, and Mangus, just... do whatever. Let's go!"

   Four heroes charging into battle is not something that you want to be up against. TJ, Malloroy, and Halfborn cut, jabbed, and smashed through the sea of enemies. It was a total bloodbath. Floor 19 worked together like a seamless team. Mangus used his flying sword, Jack, to disarm as many enemies as possible. The entire time, Jack spouted a tirade of insults: " Hey, is that the best you can do? Come on, at least try!" Or " My forger' s granny fought better than you when she was 500!" 

   Eventually, Halfborn was decapitated, TJ was smashed with a war hammer, and Malloroy got run through. Only Mangus was left. He cut through the enemies like a hot knife through butter. After he killed the last person, he limped back to his room , where he grabbed Jack and instantly passed out. 

     He dreamed that he was in the Blue Hills, and that his father was sitting beside him.

     " So Mangus, do you know what you what you are going to to get my antler back? Because without it, Ratastok will come and I will be defenseless. Start looking in the old country, but beware the traitor to our kind."

   " What do you mean? Whe- " Mangus started.

   " You'll see. Be good to Annabeth, and I think that she is capable of taking care of herself. All wil be explained when you wake up." With that , everything faded to black.

( if things are confusing, read Mangus Chase and the sword of summer, it will hopefully clear stuff up. Also I want to make it clear that I do not own the Mangus Chase books, that is Rick riordan. I will update soon.

- racheldotbob)

Magnus Chase and the quest for Frey ( ft. Annabeth)Where stories live. Discover now