♔ Three ♔

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When I regained consciousness, I had a pounding headache and the left side of my face hurt.

'What the hell happened' I thought. I rubbed my cheek gently, wincing in pain. "Where am I?" I said out loud. I looked around the room where I was laying.

It was..A cell? What the hell did I do to get thrown into jail? But wait, this isn't jail. Jails would be nicer than this. I don't remember a thing that happened or how I even got here.

The entire damn thing was just concrete, no bed, no toilet, sink or shower, no window. Just plain, gray concrete. Not to mention, it was dirty as hell in here too. I stand up and brush the dust and dirt from off my clothes.

I looked at the cell door and it had an opening with metal bars in between it. Most likely so I couldn't escape.

I wrapped my hands around the bar and tried my best to look outside. It just a plain hallway and a few sounds could be heard, but barely. There were other cell doors like mine but they seemed to have been empty.

'Was I the only one locked up?' I thought. But why me? What did I do to have gotten locked up? As far as I knew, I was pretty careful with my actions and stayed out of trouble.

"Okay, this is starting to get strange. More strange than it already is." I said out loud.

From down the hallway, out of my sight, I began to hear the sound of footsteps, multiple footsteps, heading in this direction. And by the sound of it, one them were a little angry.

"She is your responsibility now. You're the one who captured her, you're the one who has to look after her." A voice said, probably the more calm person right now.

"I don't give a shit whether it's my responsibility or not. I was only following your damn orders, Tatara." That voice, it sounded familiar. 

Two shadows started coming into view from the left side of the hallway. I let go of the bars and run back to my spot on my floor, curling up and acting like I was asleep.

A few moments after I laid down, the cell door opened.

"Take care of her, and remember was I said. Do not kill her, we need her."

I opened my eyes a little bit to see two men standing there, a tall one and the other about my size. The tall one had white hair and red eyes, a red iron mask covering half of his face.

The other guy had blue hair that swept down over his eyes slightly and his eyes were the same color as his hair. He had a small scowl on his face as he looked up at the taller man.

The first one, the other person identified them as Tatara, said and his footsteps went back out of the room, echoing while he got further and further away.

The second person let out a 'tch' before walking towards me.

"Yo, bitch get up." I felt a sharp pain in my side and my eyes instantly flew open.

"What the hell douchebag?" I yelled at him. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and made me stand up, bringing me eye level to him.

"Shut up, you don't have the right to act like a bitch to me." He spat in my face angrily.

"Oh and you have the right to do that to me? Wow, how far is your head up your ass?" He growled and threw me back onto the ground roughly. "Hey chill, Jesus you're gonna end up breaking me." I muttered unhappily.

"Good, maybe it'll teach a lesson not to mess with me." His facial features darkened and he had a wide smirk on his face. "Or I can give my own form of punishment. That dumbass Tatara didn't say I couldn't do that."

He laughed loudly and I cringed at the thought of him punishing me. He's already brutal enough; I couldn't imagine what he would be like that.

"Don't worry, I'll only punish you till your almost dead." He turned on his heal and walked out of the room, still laughing loudly. He slammed the cell door shut and I jumped a little at the loud noise.


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I'm sorry!! I absolutely suck at updating!! And that this is short asf but I'm trying harder to update more often I promise!!

I have a new story called Diabolik Back Talkers and another story called Au Revior so check those out and I'll see you next time I update.

Bye lovelies!!💕

Alone {Ayato Kirishima}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora