t w e n t y - f i v e

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I was bored that morning so I picked the phone and started messaging with Larish.

Phoenix: Hey Lari, how is it going?


Don't you love it?

Phoenix: Yeah it's pretty cool

Oh, sorry you aren't into that stuff, are you?

Phoenix: No it's ok. Hey can I tell you about something?

Sure. That's what best friends are for, right?

Phoenix: Well the thing is... Jax kissed me last night

(2 mins later)

WHAT?!?!!??!!??!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!

Phoenix: No it was a joke. Jajajajaj yeah of course I'm serious

I knew he'll do it soon.

Phoenix: Wait, you know what he hides?

Yeah of course.

Phoenix: Tell me please I beg you!

No, bae. I'm sorry but it's something pretty serious. He'll have to tell you.


Oooooooh. What do you think he is hiding? Tension is coming soon!!! Cross you fingers to see if it's something good.

Love you!!!!

Kids with a Peculiar DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now