Chapter Two

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That guy was definitely weird. I capitalized the word weird and underlined it to highlight its intensity even further, all in my mind. How can you be rude to someone you've just met? I looked around studying the faces of those surrounding me and I couldn't believe the fact that these idiots were all praises for that guy. I shook my head in a saddened way. I decided to let go of my thoughts and dance around so that any and every thoughts about that abrupt, disappearing guy would vanish away forever.

It was around midnight when Rohit suggested that he'd drop me home. I was surprised at first since it was usually Jay or even Tushar who'd do that. Rohit stayed very far off from my place but since he had suggested it, I didn't say a thing just nodded my head at him with a smile. I hugged the rest of my gang and bid them goodnight. As soon as I got in the passenger seat of Rohit's car I looked at him judgingly to which he nodded his head, 'Yes I do want to talk to you.' I looked away smiling winningly as he started making his way towards my house. After a few minutes when I realised he wasn't going to initiate any conversation I decided to bring it up myself, 'I cannot believe you were all praises for him.' He suppressed a chuckle, 'I knew you had issues regarding Sooraj.' I decided to play along sarcastically, 'Sooraj, of course I had even forgotten his name.' I looked out of the window disgustedly, suddenly realising that the dark surroundings outside were definitely far more appealing than the topic. 'Stop fooling yourself, you were hooked to the guy the moment you entered the pub. You couldn't stop talking, chatterbox.' I narrowed my yes glaring angrily at Rohit, 'Okay I agree he wasn't that horrible to look at, but looks does not change your mannerisms apparently. And he was downright rude.' Rohit was about to speak up trying to be his advocate, and I hated him at the moment. By him I meant Rohit, Sooraj I didn't care about right now, so I continued further, 'How can one just not talk to someone you've just met for the first time? Arrogant, rude, chauvinist aaarrgghh!' I ended up yelling just because I fell short of words to describe him.
'Wait! Why chauvinist?'
'Just because I already don't like him, and I figured he just might be.' Rohit mumbled something under his breath which I couldn't hear and I guess I didn't want to. 'Anyway, Did it ever occur to you maybe he had issues of his own that he had to deal with?' I looked at him questioningly when I heard him talk about something that I had no idea about, my brows fused together thinking about what he'd just said. After a while I gave up, 'I won't really know if I haven't spoken to him even once.'
'Exactly my point so stop judging someone so soon.'
'You know have you ever thought of being a lawyer?' Rohit looked at me for an explanation, 'The way you're defending your client, your man Sooraj, it just shows how great you would be at it.' I could see he had just given up trying to put some sense into my head and so we continued the rest of our journey in silence.

'That's it, we're here.' I looked to see a smiling Rohit besides me. 'Thankyou Ro! It means a lot that you came to drop me all the way.' He nodded silently, clearly still unhappy about my outburst.
'He's been my best friend since my childhood. I've known him more than anyone else out here. The adjectives that you've given him, well he's nothing like that. In fact it's just the opposite. I just hope you'd forget about this incident and give him a chance again.'
I looked at him seriously, 'Why is it so important for you that I change my views about him?'
'Well for one now that he's back home, he'll be with us most of the times and I don't want things to be awkward between you two, and secondly, because he's already been through a lot, I suggest you give him a break.'
It was my turn to be confused now, 'You keep on saying that, what is it that he's been through anyway?'
'It's not my place to talk. It's his life. He'll talk about it if he wants to. Just forget what happened today and start afresh tomorrow is all I'm asking.'
I put up my hands in defeat, 'Fine I'll do it for you Ro! Anyway goodnight.' I stepped out of the car and walked off hurriedly towards my house.

The next morning I woke up to find an unknown number being added to our group on WhatsApp. So that must be Sooraj's number.
My thoughts drifted back to yesterday to the moment I first got a glimpse of Sooraj. He indeed was the most handsome guy in the entire pub, and I couldn't help blush at that thought. His jet black hair had remained messed up and fell off covering almost half of his forehead, his black eyes were deep and dark as if they held onto something he wasn't keen at sharing, but I was sure his eyes spoke volumes, his lips had curved up into a small smile as Rohit had introduced us to each other, and his smile had revealed a small dimple on his right cheek. Oh my! A dimple was my weak point, it made me go weak in my knees especially if it were on the cheek of a very handsome man.
The memory of the night made me blush even now and I ended up recalling my conversation with Rohit that had happened in his car and decided to start afresh, I welcomed him on the group with a smiley at the end of my message. Now that was definitely a good start. Rohit will be pleased. I made myself a decaf before running off for my job. I hated Monday mornings, especially when you had a meeting scheduled during the first half of the day. I was a senior architect consultant at a private firm in Juhu. And as usual I was getting late for office. My phone pinged on my way to display the arrival of a private text from Rohit.

Rohit: I'm glad you heard me out yesterday and decided to start anew.

Cheesy sentimental fool, I often called him that. Rohit was very attached and emotional at heart and he cared a lot about people that were close to him.

Me: I did it for you my emotional fool.
Me: But I guess you should be my lawyer at times as well, for some people need to start afresh as well.
Rohit: Give him a break, he will reply. And go work for a change will you?

I sent him a thumbs up smiley and shut my phone to the silent mode as I started my day at work with that meeting!

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