Goodbye's A Funny Word Isn't It?

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I never realised that "goodbye" was really that.
I never realised that it meant ending something and never returning.
I never realised "goodbye" was supposed to be sad.

You say goodbye when you go to school.
You say goodbye when your friends part ways.
But you know you'll see them soon again,
You know that your goodbye won't force them away.

You were raised to greet strangers with "hello",
And to leave them with "goodbye".
Expecting nothing more than a nod,
And a rushed response in reply.

But when I met you,
I discovered goodbye was more than that.
I discovered that goodbye was sad.

And I never knew that it took two to tango,
And likewise two to part.
For you to never see me again,
Was a fault I've laid on your heart.

But it doesn't fucking matter, does it?
When you don't even really care.
Goodbye hasn't become sad for you,
Because goodbye was always there.

You never really planned on staying,
And if you did,
You fucked up.

You never really cared to hurt me,
But this time you hurt me too much.

So when someone tells you "goodbye",
Don't assume you'll see them again.
You never know what the future holds,
It could possibly be the end.

Ephemeral and Sempiternal. (A collection of poetry from 2015)Where stories live. Discover now