Small Seeds, Giant Trees.

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Delicate breezes rustle the leaves of life,
and each leaf represents a fleeting light.
A light of hope,
and a light of joy,
they fall from trees with shattered sighs.
And as they billow from boughs above,
the winds steal life with tightened gloves.

Leaves are gentle like human souls,
some hold strong and some let go.
But winds won’t deter me from this tree of life,
winds can’t force me from soaring heights.

Many tried and many failed,
to tear me from branches that were oh so frail.
But from cutters gloves and tree branch snappers,
mine have grown strong to support all my matters.
And my roots are now strong, and my leaves are now large,
and winds ricochet off my solid wood bark.

It was not easy,
It was a feat.
For these small winds,
built up like disease.

It took many batters,
it took many chops,
but foundations grew,
from loose pebble rocks.

I urge you my friends,
my family,
my foes.
To not let these winds just smother your hopes.
Let me support you in times of great need,
From tiny, small seeds,
Sprout great, giant trees.

Ephemeral and Sempiternal. (A collection of poetry from 2015)Where stories live. Discover now