Falling asleep in a closet

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What is life? Aren't we all just born to die? What's the point of living if we're all going to die anyway?

My deep shower thoughts got interrupted by the doorbell of my apartment ringing. I pushed away the shower curtain to look out of my window next to my shower. As I looked down I saw a head with red hear jumping up and down in front of my door.

I let go of the curtain and sighed. Jeez, that girl was always late, and especially today she was an hour early. I could think of a few reasons why though.

I stepped out of the shower and took a towel of the highest shelf in my bathroom. That was where I always put my best and softest towels.

I dried my body and quickly put on the clothes I had picket out for today. After that I quickly ran down the stairs, my hair still dripping on the floor. I walked over to the door and I could almost sense the excitement of the girl on the other side of the door.
I rolled my eyes as I opened the door.

My best friend appeared in my sight. She smiled so wide, I could almost see all of her teeth. I tried to look at her with an annoyed look, but she just started jumping up and down with excitement. My annoyed expression faded and a chuckle escaped my lips.

"I'm so excited!" She said with, her
voice way higher pitched than normal.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't notice, Rosey."

"Oh do I need to make it a little clearer for you?" She said and she opened up her mouth wide, ready to scream.

"No!" I said waving my hands, but I was too late. A high pitched scream filled the air. A man that was just walking by, stopped to look and raised an eyebrow to us. I shot him an apologetic smile.

"We are going to see Pierce the Veil today!" She screamed. She closed her eyes and waved her hands in excitement.

"Yeah!" I said trying to sound excited for Rosey's sake. She had been talking about it for months, I knew how much this meant to her. She had had rough times and they really helped her through it. Well, their music.

I motioned for her to come in and we walked to the living room. She let herself fall on the black, leather couch.

I went to the kitchen to make tea for us and I put too much honey in my cup. Yeah I love honey. I'm weird like that okay? I can literally eat buckets of honey. Can you even eat honey? Or do people drink honey?
I put the cups down on the table and went to sit across from Rosey. She was on her phone, probably scrolling through twitter reading tweets about the concert today, because she was smiling widely. I chuckled at her excitement.

Rosey was literally the only person I could do such a thing for. I would never goto a concert like this by myself, I didn't like the screaming too much, but I did it for her. She couldn't find anyone to go with and in a moment of weakness, I said yes. I guess I owe these guys anyway, they helped making her into the happy person she is today.

She put her phone away and took her tea. She smelled it and gave me a disgusted look. "How many honey did you put in this?"

I blushed and looked down at my tea. "Not as much as in mine."

She burst out in laughter. "Wow. You and your obsession with honey."

"Don't judge me! It's healthy and sweet! You just have to settle with this cup of tea full of honey. You owe me, I'm going to a concert with you I don't really want to go to."

She sighed. "Believe me Amara, after tonight, you will love them! They're so good live and they play with so much passion!" her eyes started glowing. I always admired how passionate Rosey was about the things she loved. I wished I could be like that.

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