Shaking hands and shaking elevators

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Is ignoring still ignoring if the person you're ignoring is also ignoring you? I don't think so, I think it would just be called 'not talking to each other.' Ignoring is if you don't respond to someone who is talking to you.

Too bad. I wanted to ignore him. But he is not talking to me either. Which pisses me off too.

You know what also pisses me off? Boredom. I fucking hate boredom. My mouth is dry as fuck, my stomach grumbles all the time and I feel like I haven't slept in two weeks, but the worst feeling I have at the moment is boredom.

I knew that if I wouldn't have been mad at him, that I would've been a lot less bored, but I was too stubborn to admit it. I never admitted I'm wrong. Even though I was wrong most of the time.

I coughed and immediately regretted it, as my throat felled like it was made out of sandpaper. In the corner of my eyes I see Mike getting up from the floor, walking up to his backpack and getting something out of it. Eventually I heard some glide towards me. I looked to see it was a green bottle of beer.

I took it, examined it and put it down again with a disgusted look on my face. I didn't drink alcohol.

"I would highly recommend you to drink it, you sounded like a dying whale when you coughed." I hear Mike say. Yay, something to ignore.

I kept looking away from him and pretending he didn't existed. A short silence filled the room and eventually I heard Mike mumble: "Jeez, what are you? Six?"

I look up a little offended. So far for ignoring. "What? Because I don't drink alcohol? Grow up yourself." I said, looking like I was about to spit at his feet.

Mike sighed deep. "No because you're acting like a fucking child by ignoring me and shit." He said as he took a sip of his beer. I could see the ecstasy on his face as the liquid travelled down his throat. It made me more thirsty.

"You ignored me too." I mumbled annoyed. I crossed my arms in a pouting matter.

"No, I didn't talk to you." He said in between gulps. "That's something entirely different."

I groaned. This guy drove me crazy for some reason, but I didn't not like arguing with him for some reason. I laid down on my stomach and buried my face in my arms.

"You wanna know what I think?" He asked.

"No" I said without making any movements.

"I think you're stubborn." He said. No shit Sherlock. "You're too stubborn to drink that beer even though you're practically dying of dehydration, just because you don't want to make it up to me, because that would require admitting you were wrong."

I let out another annoyed groan as I tried to come up with another come back. "Firstly, I'm not drinking that because I don't drink alcohol. We could be saved out of here any minute. Secondly, I don't have to admit I was wrong, because I was right. I wasn't leading you on."

All my muscles tightened when I heard him stand up and walk towards me. He kneeled down just next to my body, I saw that from the little crack between my head and arms I allowed myself to look though.

"We won't be saved out of here soon, and you know that. We're lucky if it takes another hour." He said and I noticed him getting closer to me until I felt his breath against my ear. "And don't pretend like you didn't want to kiss me. I saw it."

Shivers went through my spine and I couldn't help liking it to be so close to him. I got myself in sitting position again and pushed him away against his chest. "You fucking asshole. I know girls normally just throw themselves at you, but that doesn't mean I will."

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