Food junky

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8:55 pm

After finishing never have I ever, I was grumpy for a little while. But as soon as Mike noticed something was wrong with me, I tried to shake off the memory of my horrible ex-girlfriend.

That was easier for me than it should've been. It's just, I had had so many heartbreaks that I was used to shutting off the memory of them. Normal people would go and talk about those things, but I had trust issues because my heart had been broken so much. It was a cycle and I didn't know how to break it.

Although maybe, this whole thing was a huge step in the right direction. I decided to almost completely trust a stranger. Not only with my heart, but also with parts of my past. Was that enough to break the cycle?

It was weird. He actually knew more about me than I knew about him. That almost never happened in my life. Yeah, of course I knew a lot about him, but only the basics. Things you tell at a birthday party. I knew nothing about his pain or emotions. Well, accept for the fact that his girlfriend had just broken up with him over the phone.

And about that, I still had the feeling that he was just using me to get over her. But at the other hand, I was using him to get over my trust issues, so I think we were even. This was never meant to last anyway. We would keep each other company in here and after that we would move on. Move on to people we were meant to be with.

"What is the weirdest thing you have ever done when you were drunk?" I ask out of nowhere after a short silence. I had the feeling like we need to keep talking, as a distraction from everything going on.

Mike let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "You don't want to know."

I was laying on my back with my hands underneath my head. Mike was lying in a similar position. I had been lying look this for at least thirty minutes and it wasn't really comfortable anymore, but I was too lazy to move.

"I do want to know, otherwise I wouldn't have asked." I said. It was a simple question, but I wanted it to lead to him opening up about something. After the realization that I knew nothing about him, I got more interested in his past. Maybe it was just because I wanted us to be even. He knew more about me than I knew about him and that wasn't fair.

He moved his head slightly to the right to face me. "the weirdest thing I have ever done when I was drunk was falling asleep in the bedroom, waking up with an enormous hangover and after that get stuck in an elevator." He said with a grin on his face.

I shot him an annoyed look. "Ha-Ha." I said sarcastically. "Now tell me what the weirdest thing you have done really is."

"Can't think about anything that is weirder than ending up in an elevator with a stranger for nineteen hours." He said, but added when he saw my face. "But if I have to choose a second option, I'd choose the time I was at warped and me and a couple of friends were drinking. To say I was wasted is an understatement. I don't recall why, but I ended up throwing a lot of my drumming equipment in a nearby lake."

I let out an unexpected laugh. "Wow. Did you get in trouble for that?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say that management wasn't happy with me. The boys weren't mad though. They just laughed at me for the entire tour. Actually, they still laugh at me for it." He said grinning. There was this weird glow over his face every time he mentioned his fellow band members. I could only imagine the bond that they had.

"Oh believe me, even if we never see each other again after this, I will laugh at you for it for the rest of my life." I said still laughing. "That has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard someone do when they were drunk."

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