[14] Late Surprise

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I led everyone to the food court and stopped at the entrance before turning back to face them.

"What should we do?" Sora questioned.

"Go after the food under the heat lamps that has already been prepared first and the dairy products second because it will spoil the quickest." I suggested.

"Any place we should go first?" Yuffie asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Whichever." I replied. The more evenly everyone ate, the faster our food supplies would last. ...What I mean is, say everyone wanted to eat at the Chinese food store and totally left all the burger joint's food to sit under the heat lamps would be a total waste because it would all spoil soon and wouldn't be good for anyone.

Everyone sort of split up and walked over to the different fast food joints around the food court to see what they had to offer. I was about to do the same when Bear and Bullet padded up to me and started to whine, their tummies complaining about wanting something as well. I knew they couldn't really have human food without getting an upset tummy so I prioritized their hunger over my own.

I smiled kindly at the dogs and nodded at them "Alright, come with me." I told them and began to walk away with them trailing behind me.

Cloud walked up to me and asked, "Where are you going?"

I didn't turn around and instead kept walking as I replied, "Bear and Bullet are hungry too. So I'm going to go find some dog chow for them."

"I'll go with you." he said as he caught up with me.

I side glanced at him as we walked together, "You don't have to do that."

"I don't mind." he said.

I nodded, "Okay, let's go."

We walked down to the first floor where Barkworks, the pet shop was. Bear and Bullet were chasing each other around and were playfully rough-housing as we went.

When we entered Barkworks, Bullet trotted over to the toys section and picked up a stuffed shoe.

Cloud shook his head at the dog and said, "Nu-uh, put it back."

Bullet's eyes widened and he started to whine as if he were saying 'Pleeeeaaaasssseee?'

Cloud sighed and nodded before saying, "Alright, fine." He turned to Bear and asked, "Do you want anything too?"

As if Bear was obediently waiting, he got up and waddled over to a toy basket on the floor. He pushed toys around with his nose and dug a little before he pulled out a stuffed carrot with a squeaker in it.

Cloud smiled at the pup and said, "Nice choice." and then added, "I can't believe I'm having a conversation with a couple of dogs." as he shook his head.

I smiled at him, "I think it's kind of cute."

Cloud turned to see me holding two large bags of adult dog chow and two smaller bags of puppy chow.

"Do you need help with that?" Cloud asked.

Even though I was slightly struggling with the weight I replied, "No, it's alright. I've got it."

Cloud didn't take no for an answer as he took the two bigger bags from me and I silently sighed in relief.

"Thanks." I said as I smiled.

"No problem." Cloud said.

I picked out two silver food and water dishes while Cloud said, "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded and replied, "Sure." as we started to walk back in the direction of the food court.

"Why do you insist on doing everything yourself?" he asked.

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