Chapter 1

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6 Months Earlier

"Son" a gruff red neck voice said, "we got an Opportunity for you, now listen up cos i'm only gonna repeat this once, I am the head of a Unit that's set up in New York. It's part of a SWAT division technically only difference is it's just a name and a means to be found. We have scouts in other departments searching for the ideal candidates. In the big bad real world It's my team. We take our orders direct from the Man behind the desk in the big ol' white house." I tried to hide the sense of pride that was beginning to glow in my chest, these guys were going to be my ticket to the big time then, just the chance I've been waiting for. " Our Directive" he continued "is simply to locate, hunt and Kill whatever goddam crap we get pointed at. We've hunted Hussein, We've hunted Osama, and we've been on more Black ops than you've had hot dinners son.  We've been watching you, and an job vacancy has arisen. You pass these tests and it's yours. You dont tell anyone, even your Sweet ole Granny Smith or else we'll end up hunting you too and beleive me son, that's just too much damn paperwork" He Twanged.  I tried to keep my voice level and monotonous "Sounds like an exceptionally good offer Colonel Walker. I'd love to consider your offer. What's the pay like? I mean i'm as much a patriot as the next guy but I'd rather not die of starvation in my retirement." The Colonel Chortled, a small sign of emotion from a man reknowned amongst many for being a brutal task master and having as many emotions as potato.  "I wouldn't worry about that bud, we've got a pretty sweet deal, $500,000 pay off at the end of your service plus $20,000 per annum. PLUSSS Free dental for the perfect white smile" he joked with a chortle.  I took a breath"Okay sir I'm in for the tests". 

2 Weeks later

My heart thumped in my chest. The heart monitor pinged as the oxygen mask continued to gradually deplete the oxygen supply getting into my head. My head began to feel light but i knew that i needed to keep pushing, keep on driving myself forward. How hard can it be to put one foot in front of the other. The timer pinged to signify that the two hours of straight running was up. The Machine slowly slowed to a gradual walk.  The boring white coated scientist called Trevor marked my score up on the dreaded annonymous clipboard.  "Okay last test Lieutenant Coburn, Pull ups- let's see how many pull ups you can manage in five minutes." I grunted Ucht, i hated stuff like this, i took a swig of my water.   I rattled out a quick three hundred.  "Okay Coburn that's great, we should be in touch in a few weeks. Showers are just through there and then onto the changing rooms." I hated tests like this, but the world today meant ticky boxes need ticked, at least they'd given me a chance to get a work out rather than the usual psychological stuff that usually accompanied stuff like this. "Cheers bud" i sighed as i sauntered through to the showers, i stripped off my work out top and hurled it into the corner and pulled off my shoes and shorts. I pushed the shower to max cold and stepped under it, enjoying the feeling as it reduced the blood flow and eased and numbed my pains. I put my head under the stream and it felt as through the water was evaporating as it hit my scalp, i ran my hand through  my short brown hair.

 I stepped out and pulled on a fresh pair of Ck boxers and pulled on my Levi's jeans as My brick of a phone started ringing Thrift shop. I looked at the caller ID, Amy, I was in luck tonight then. " Hello there Aims" i greeted warmly, An annoyingly screechy voice came on the phone "hiiiii, look i've missedd you, you've not seen me in like agess!" she screeched, Oh god how on earth did i put up with her i wondered but she was a delight in bed  and a gymnast physio so she'd be perfect for tonight. "Aww i'm sorry beautiful but I've been so busy and you know how it is between us. We're just fun right, NSA?" i confirmed. She let out a small sigh "Yeh just get your hot abs over here". Get a grip. I took a second and thought for a moment," Okay baby I'll see you about half 7 yeh?".  Amy let out a high pitch little squeal.  I hung up.  I plucked a black slim fit T which moulded itself to my toned physique. I took a swig of protein juice. Girls just never understood that abs don't make themselves.  I strode out and got into my Black Audi R8 and gunned it. Tonight was going to be an awesome night.


Appologies for taking so long to write so little.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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