Project Artemis- Hunt of Wall Street- Special Operations Division

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Chapter 1:

Siren's wailed into the New York skyline, adding to the confusion as people scrambled over one another in blind panic.

Crackling gunfire echoed outside the  bustling metropolition centre of the stock echange on Wall Street. Several black blacked out Chevrolet Silverado pick up trucks were abandoned in the middle of the street outside the main enterence and out the back as armed masked militants clinically shot dead panicking security guards where they fumbled for their side arms beofre turing a hail of gunfire onto stunned bystanders. The gunfire continued as the intruders strolled into the premesis shooting everything and everyone who dared to oppose them. Walls were sprayed with  bullets and the main pillars were ridden with pock marks of the hundreds of small calibre rounds.

More Men entered the Exchange carrying heavier armourments and ominous looking black cases.

A mere few minutes later, gunfire in the building stopped to be replaced by deathly silence which was interrupted by the single wailing grief of a child who'd lost his security guard father on bring your child to work day. A single gunshot followed. The wailing ceased. A sudden flurry of activity occured by the masked men as metal barricades were quickly slotted together outside enterances and windows were covered by wooden sheets.

Police sirens finally made it through the remaining throngs of stampeding people. A single heavily armour plated chevrolet tahoe dragged the Silverlados out of the way to allow police to access the scene.  Police and ambulance crews alike rushed to drag injured civilians out of the way. Several pistol shots were fired and quickly Heavy machine guns were placed around the windows. A storm of gunfire came from the sky causing services to dive for cover. A fat grey haired cop took a bullet in the leg before being pulled to safety. The Police Captain in charge picked up his car radio. It crackled before he gravely spoke to dispatch "Call the defense secetary... tell him we need Artemis Division. Sh*t just got real".



Project Artemis- Hunt of Wall Street- Special Operations Division (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now