Red 05-1

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Everyone evacuates the cafeteria

"Let's go to your room" Mina tells me

We all leave and head down the hallway

Anna punches in the code

"Is this the hotspot now?" I ask everyone

They all laugh as we enter my room

"It always has been. You have the best view." Mina says

We all sit on the bed

"So.... Red?" I look at Anna

"Red is one of us. He can multiply himself. Karen put him in punishment because he tried to kill her. The thing is.... they locked one of his projections in the box. He escaped to 85. We all knew he wanted to overthrow Karen." she says

"We all do." Jayce inputs

"He wouldn't go to 88 without us. He knew if he went to 85 he could blend in for now. He's dangerous, he will stop at nothing to kill Karen." Jered says

"Then why am I still here?" I ask him

"Karen knows you're not crazy. Just something to freak you out." He says

"Red would try to kill us if we stopped him from killing Karen." Anna says

"No, the reason they wouldn't kill you is because they know Jayce would go ballistic." Mina says

"We can't be killed." I say

"They inject us with.... God knows what." Jered says

"How do you know? "


An alarm blares


"Shit! East wing is the entrance to 85." Anna gets off the bed

"He's back.... its Red" Jered huffs.

He gets off the bed and transforms into a soldier

All black and has a holster with a ptr 32 inside

"You're gonna kill him?" I ask him

"He decided to betray us. He betrayed us the second he tried to go to 88 without us. Lets move!!!" Jered yells at us

We run out of the room and Jered is leading in front

Other guards move toward the east wing with us

I hear gunshots around the corner

"Jayce get my flank" Anna says while balling her fists up

Jayce moves to the right of Anna

Mina moves to the left of me

We all turn the corner and see people fighting guards

"He started an uprising." Anna growls

A man with wild eyes jumps in front of Anna and she pushes him away

Jayce stretches his hand toward the guy and he falls to the floor

He grabs his ears and screams loudly

Blood pours out of his ears

"Make it stop!!!!!" He screams at Jayce

There's another guy running toward us

He suddenly stops and grabs his throat

He gasps for air and collapses

"Split up!" Jered yells

Jayce and Anna go further down the hall

Mina goes into the crowd of people fighting gaurds

I'm alone.

Jered is shooting into the crowd

There's a hallway to my right and there's.... nobody there strangely enough

I ball up my fists and move down the hallway

Its a room with a big door that reads "Port 85 military staff only" and there's a keypad with a finger print detector

"You were always the smart one Phoenix , great minds think alike don't they? " a calm voice says behind me

I turn around and see a guy dressed in a grey and red hoodie with black pants

"Red." I mutter

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