From Jered 11

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*The next few chapters are from the perspectives of the other characters on how Phoenix was originally placed in punishment.*

I wake up and stare at the floor

Damn..... I had way too much to drink last night

I slide out of bed and wobble to the cafeteria

There's Anna, Mina and Jayce

I sit down and rub my eyes

"Well well well... about time your drunk ass got up." Anna messes with me

"It's too early to fight."

Jayce stabs a bunch of grapes on his plate with a fork

"Where's your baby? In a half-drunken stupor too?" Mina asks

"We stole a bottle from Tim yesterday so, pretty much."

Jayce laughs and puts his fork down

"Tim has that stuff called voka right? Like what they drank on earth?" He asks

"You mean vodka. Yeah, it's pretty strong and fucks you up faster than the shit they smuggle in here."

I look up and see some guy staring at me

"Last night.... Phoenix said she wanted to kill Karen. She's tired of taking orders." I tell everyone

"We gotta stop her." Anna says

"Yeah its too soon for us to act on Karen." I say while getting up from the table.

I head back out into the hallway to go see Phoenix

There's footsteps behind me and i turn around

That same guy from the cafeteria is following me

"Hey man, what do you want?"

He gets closer to me

I phase into a gaurd and reach for my gun

"Smart thinking." He says and grabs my shoulder

I see him.... phase.... into... me...

"You're a shifter?" I ask and shift back into my original self

He reaches into his pocket and pulls a needle out

Before i can act... he jams it into my neck

My vision starts to fade....

I can't stand....

What has he done?

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