Chapter 6 (Peter)

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I'm still a little bit confused. They say that my memory got erased in an accident that erased the memories of half of the people here. I'm thinking about everything that they told me. They said that my name is Peter and I'm 16 years old. I come from a city called Chicago. This city is some kind of mental experiment. It is divided in six groups. Five of them are factions. The factions are Erudite (they are the smart ones), Candor (the honest ones), Abnegation (they say that they are the selfless ones), Amity (the farmers and nice ones) and Dauntless (the badass ones). I was Dauntless before we left the city, at least that's what they told me. The other group is called the factionless. They are the homeless. You become factionless when you don't fit in any of the five factions. I feel like there is something that they aren't telling me but I don't care right now. When I get out of my room, I start walking down the halls. This girl I used to know, Cara I think, is standing outside by the broken sculpture. I wonder how it broke. I walk over to her and go stand next to her. It takes her a while to notice me. She says hi and looks back at the sculpture. I have no idea what she's thinking about and I think about asking what happened here but I don't say anything. I wonder if she's from the city to or grew up here. I'm just about to ask her when a dark skinned girl runs over to us. She gives me an angry look and whispers something in Cara's ear. I wonder what I ever did to her but then I see Cara's eyes grow bigger with each word she whispers. The next thing she does is screaming. Then she starts yelling: "Tris and Uriah are what?!" The other girl, Christina I remember now, starts to talk out loud now to. "They are sleeping next to each other, actually she is sleeping with her head against his chest. Oh yeah, and the door is locked". Cara is just standing there looking very choked. Then they walk away. I repeat the names she said in my head and try to remember something about my past. Tris and Uriah. They sound like I have heard them before but I don't know where. I keep thinking, there must be something. I'm absolutely sure I have heard the name Tris before, not long ago. It takes me even less than a second to know when. Yesterday, after we got back out of the city. Cara said something about her to a guy named Four. She said that the girl went somewhere instead of a guy called Caleb and survived something called the death serum. She got shot by someone called David and is fine. That guy Four almost broke down when he thought she was dead. He must care a lot about her. I go back inside because it's getting cold. When I walk through the hallway I hair a horrible scream. I stop for a second. I have heard this scream before but where. Then the memory's start shooting through my head. I see myself beating up a girl, stabbing a guy in the eye and the same girls cleaning the blood, writhing the word stiff all over her bed, holding her by her throat above the chasm and then even worse. Me bringing her to places where I watch her getting tortured with needles, her laying on a table and me sticking a needle in her neck, whispering in her ear that she has to be brave, me carrying her outside a big building, she looked pretty death. I also remember her shooting me in the arm and pushing me away so someone wouldn't kill me. Then I hear the scream again. I think I'm supposed to hate her but I can't. I just want to help her. Then I see her. Laying in the guy named Four's arms. He looks like he's about to pass out so I pick her up just in time. Everyone is looking at me like they've just seen a ghost. I ask the guy, Uriah I think, to get out of the bed. He tells me he can't so I lay her down on the couch, she just keeps crying and screaming. I go and sit next to her. I lay her head on my lap and start stroking her it. She start to calm down a little. I bow over to whisper sweat things in her ear. She isn't screaming anymore but she's still crying. Then I remember something I said to her while sticking that needle in her neck and decide to try it again. "Be brave Beatrice" because I remember that it's her real name. She opens her eyes and looks at me. She sits up and hugs me. Then she starts sobbing again, softer this time. I just hold her, she's sitting on my laps and I kiss her forehead, soft. I hold her like that for a while but then I let her lay on the couch again, with her head on my lap. I look around and see that everyone is staring at me. "What?" I ask. "You're nice to her". I look at long skinny guy and try to remember his name. Caleb I remember. "So?" I answer, because I really don't understand. "You tried to kill her" he says again. "I remember" is all I say. "Why do you guy's keep looking at me like that?" nobody answers. I see that Four's waking up again, he walks over to me and hits me in the face. "Why the f*ck did you do that, Ass!" I yell. He looks pissed at me. "Hands of my girlfriend", he says. The next things happen fast. Tris stands up hits Four in the face, starts yelling at him, grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. The second that we're out of the door she gives me a hug and I can read the pain of her face. "Can you carry me please?" she ask. I do what she asks me but then I remember I don't know where I'm supposed to take her. "Were do you want to go?" "To my room please, it's in the first hallway on the right, number 15". I bring her to her room and lay her carefully in the bed. I am almost out of the door when she asks me to stay. I go sit next to her and she asks if I can lay her on the couch and sit next to her. I do what she asks me and start stroking her hair. She closes her eyes and whispers: "Why did you help me?" I'm confused. Why does everyone ask that. "Why shouldn't I?" "Because you hate me". Why do I hate her, I don't remember. I do remember me hurting her and she hurting me. "I don't know why I hated you but I remember beating you up several times and almost killing you. I also remember you shooting me, so why do we hate each other?" "Because you were a bad person back then. I never understood why you hated me but that doesn't matters. I shot you because I was mad at you for what you did to me and because I needed you but you didn't want to listen. I'm sorry for that". "Yeah, me to". I realize I actually really like her as a friend. She's a very nice girl. We keep talking like this for a while until she falls asleep. I feel tired to and I don't want to wake her so I just chose to sleep here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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