Chapter 5 (Tobias)

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When I come back at the door she is sitting next to Uriah. Her wheelchair's in the middle of the room. She must have walked to get there. I try to open the door but it's locked. I start to knock at the door. I'm kind of pissed at her because she just walked. She's wounded and shouldn't do that. Uriah finally noticed that I'm standing here. Tris looks behind her and yells "Four, I'm explaining him what happened, can you leave us alone for a second!" I am confused at first but then I think that it's just better if I listen to her. I turn around and walk away.


When I get back at the door she isn't just sitting in the bed anymore, she's laying in it. Her head rests on his chest and his arm lays under her. They are sleeping so they must have been sitting like that for a while. I'm pissed at them. She's cheating on me. I just stand here watching them. I don't know for how long I've been standing here but I notice that there is standing a little crowed around me. Cara grabs a key and opens the door. We all try to be silent because, even while they are both sleeping in the same bed, they are still hurt. I go and sit on the chair next to the bed. The rest just goes stand somewhere in the room. Some of them are whispering to each other but I'm just looking at her. After a while he wakes up. First he looks at Tris and tries not to wake her while he is sitting a little bit straighter. Then he notices me. Right now I am really angry. He is lying in bed with my girlfriend. Then he starts to look around. Nobody says something. Tris starts to wake up. She is staring in front of her with a confused look in her eyes. After a few seconds her eyes change into deep pools of sadness. That shocks me for a moment but before I can say something about it they are gone. She tries to sit up a little straighter but then she screams. I feel the panic rush through my body. "Are you okay?" "Can you help me up please?" she asks. I know she's hurt. I know need to help her but I can't. She's in bed next to him. I want to know what happened between them so I just ask. "Why are you in the bed?" She starts explaining it to me. "I was tired and it would have been stupid to try and walk to the door. Can You help me up please?" I know that it wouldn't have been the first time she walked today so I'm still angry with her but if there happened something else between them I'm not going to get it out of her. Maybe it works if I scare Uriah but I don't want to hurt her so I pick her up and hold her in my arms. I feel the desperate need to be closer to her. Then she lays her had against my chest and falls asleep again. At least she's tired so that part wasn't a lie. Now I give Uriah my most dangerous look. "Why was my girlfriend in your bed?" I'm whispering because I don't want to wake her while I'm interrogating one of her best friends about her. "She was tired", is all he answers. He looks around in the room to make it clear to everyone. Caleb is the next one to ask him a question. "Why was the door locked" he asks. I almost forgot how he interrogate me when he found out I was dating Tris. He just wants to protect his little sister in his own way, I realize. I notice the deeply sad look on Uriah's face. "She wanted to talk to me in private" I remember that she yelled that to me so I would leave them alone, now I understand why. She must have told him something very painful. "Why did you look so sad a moment ago?" Christena asks. Then I remember that I'm the only one in this room who really understands why he looked that sad because I know her story. "I thought about something she told me", he answers. Christena keeps asking questions. I think it is a typical characteristic of her and all the other candor to want to know the truth "What did she wanted to talk to you about?" she asks. "She told me how she got hurt" he answers while looking at me. He knows I understand. Cara is the next one who wants to ask a question but she gets interrupted by a horrible scream. I realize that it's Tris her scream. The screaming just won't stop. I can feel her shacking in my arms. The tears streaming over her face. I can just feel her fear but I know that it's not the first time I have seen her like this. The last time she was under the terror serum in Erudite. "Nightmare!" I scream because it's all I can get over my lips. There are so many horrible memory's flooding through my head right now. I'm trying to wake her up but nothing works. The horrible memory's just keep coming and I can't think anymore. I see her being brought to all those rooms just to get tortured with some serums. I see her laying bounded to the table while screaming out of fear, begging for me to stop doing something that wasn't real. I remember her laying death on that table and my mind just shoots down. I feel someone piking her up out of my arms. I look up and see Peters face. I want to get up but it just gets too much and I pass out.

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