Twenty - We're All Hopeless

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Josh took me to the hospital. Thankfully, the wood from the porch hadn't actually driven itself as deep into my leg as I had previously thought, and so I wouldn't have to be admitted. They cleaned and bandaged my leg, gave me crutches I did not intend to use, and sent me on my way.

"I hate it when we fight, Tember" Josh sighed, linking his hand with mine as we walked in the road on a street we both knew as desolate.

"Well if you weren't such a damn drama queen, we'd get along just fine" I laughed, adjusting the strap of my backpack.

"If I wasn't such a drama queen, you wouldn't love me as much" he joked, sticking his nose in the air.

"Psh, obviously" I rolled my eyes, reaching up to ruffle his hair.

"So you love me?" his tone became serious, and he stopped walking and turned to face me.

"Josh, I..." I hesitated

"It's fine. Forget it." he said, and began walking away. I hurried to catch up with him, slipping my hand into his.

"You have to remember that I don't have all the answers. I don't know what the heck is going on either, I'm winging my entire life."

"Let's go out tonight. To a bar, or a club, or... something. I don't know. Let's just go out."

"We're both fifteen." I stated, as if he had somehow forgotten our lack of adult status.

"So? Slip the bouncer some dope and he'll let us straight in. Trust me, I know a place."

"Because that doesn't sound shady," I laughed. "Alright, we'll do it"

I didn't agree because I wanted to go. I just agreed because I didn't want to start another argument. We'd fought enough over the past few weeks, and I was ready for the happiness to start again . Whatever happened to my fresh start?


"C'mon, Tember, it's almost 9pm, if we don't leave now, it'll be too dark out."

"Josh, it's already dark, it can't get much darker." I retorted, slipping on my shoes and grabbing my coat. I hated loud noises, and large groups of people. I wasn't going to enjoy tonight, and was attempting to delay the experience as much as possible. Josh, on the other hand, wasn't having any of it. He wanted to go out, and he couldn't do so alone.

And he sure as hell wasn't taking Matt.

September. (A Josh Ramsay Fic)Where stories live. Discover now