Chapter 9: I'm falling hard....

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^Nikki's POV^

"How about the mall?" Macy asked. I was at Macy's house sitting on her floor in her bedroom. It was the only place I could think of going after my escape from Blake's house. Blake....

Shit!! Stop it Nikki he's not yours he probably doesn't even like you! How long could two people have sex? It had been 2 hours already...

"Hello?!?! Earth to Nikki come in Nikki!!" Macy waved her hand in front of my face. "Huh? What?" She rolled her eyes at me "Honestly Nikki you have the attention span of a goat!! I said why don't we go to the mall?"

"I say the reason we don't go to the mall is because... I hate shopping." "Hate is a strong word Nikki" "I don't care." I stuck my tongue out at her she did the same but then rolled her eyes and huffed "Childish much?" "Shut up I gotta get going anyways I'm sure they gotta be done by now no one can be at it for that long!!"

She gave me a concerned look "Nikki you gotta face it you like him and I'm sure he likes you too he's just gotta do it cuz it's what everyone expects." I sighed "I guess" "Nik I hate to tell you this well not really but you're falling hard for the bad boy." 

I'm falling hard.....


I left Macy's house and walked to Blake's which was about 20 minutes away I was a pretty good athlete so it wasn't much of a problem. Yeah I'm kind of a tomboy I guess. I just started walking when I heard the rumbling of a motorcycle behind me.

I turned around and saw a smiling Blake he revved up his engine and stopped right at my feet. "Well look who I found need a ride m'lady?" he asked in a fake a quite horrible British accent. I laughed and played along "Why yes m'lord I ride would absolutely perfect" I said in an equally bad accent. We stared at each other for a minute then burst out laughing.

I grabbed the helmet from him and hopped on wrapping my arms around his perfect abs. I missed the feeling of them.. He leaned into the touch of my hands, revved the engine, and we took off.


We got home and he ordered some pizza since the staff had the day off. We were waiting for the pizza and I asked "How was your time with Tiffany? Did she enjoy the tour?" He laughed "We didn't do anything." I looked at him surprised he laughed again sending shivers down my spine I loved his laugh... "She got a call before we got started." "From who?" "Her boyfriend" "What?"

He laughed again "She was cheating on me she went and banged with some other guy at a party and they decided to be together so I dumped her and told her to get out." he finished with a smile.Now I started laughing because I was relieved that they weren't together.

Oh gosh was I.... Jealous?

The door bell rang and Blake went to answer it 

Macy was right I was falling hard....


*Blake's POV*

I paid for the pizza and went into the kitchen to get us plates. "How many slices you want Nikki?" "Two!" I put two slices on each plate. I loved her voice... I was also glad that I broke up with Tiffany I didn't like her anyway.

I walked back to the living to see Nikki scrolling through Netflix I scooped her up and put her on my lap. She let out a little shriek at the sudden action but got herself comfortable on my lap. This included her moving her butt around..on my member. I felt it twitch at the action and hoped she didn't notice. We settled on Turbo. Yes Turbo only because I lost the flip of a coin...

I sighed. After the movie was over I looked at the time 10:00. I wasn't tired and neither was Nikki. "How about I take you on a tour of the house since I didn't the first time you came here?" "Sure"

So I took her to the game room, tennis court, swimming pool, gacusie, other bedrooms, the kitchen and lastly... my room.

My room..... I smirked hoped Nikki didn't mind.


^Nikki's POV^

I have officially concluded Blake's house is awesome!!!! The game room, swimming pool even the kitchen was awesome!!! I loved it and I never wanted to leave. We got to the last room which was Blake's.... His room was big and even had its own bathroom!! It was blue and had a king sized mattress in the middle with a flat screen TV desk and dresser.

Damn He was living good. I looked around in awe my room was big but his was bigger. He chuckled at my face. I turned around and saw him leaning on the now closed door. Closed door.... He walked up to me and wrapped his muscular arms around me.

He leaned in close to my face "You remember what I told you last night before you fell asleep ?" he whispered. I shivered but shook my head I felt his hands move down my back to my butt he squeezed it gently. "I told you" he said while kissing my neck "that I like you" he whispered in my ear before gently nibbling on it. 

I gasped the bad boy of my school...liked me? "I-I-I I like you too" I stuttered he looked at me his face lit up in the most adorable grin. I nodded and he resumed kissing my neck then he found my 'special spot' and started sucking on it. I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair.

Then he abruptly stopped kissing me and pulled away I looked at him confused. Then he lifted me up and I shrieked but he kept carrying me to the bed. He set me down and then he started to tickle me!!! I laughed and laughed till I couldn't breathe and face turned blue. I started crying from the laughing "P-P pl-please st-stop!!" I begged him while laughing. He finally stopped and collapsed on the bed next to me laughing.

I punched him playfully on the arm. "Shut up" I muttered. 

Then he got up and hovered over me he looked down my body before meeting my eyes. Boys.

Then he......

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