Chapter Three

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“I’d like a scotch, on the rocks.” Ben’s said, catching the attention of his good friend behind the counter.

“Of course you would, you nancy.” Blake, the bartender, shot back after he turned to look at Ben. “Hey man, it’s good to see you. I was wondering when you were going to come around.” He said, as they gave each other a one armed man-hug from across the bar.

“Sorry brother, I heard it was ladies night. I figured I should avoid the bar for a couple days.” Ben said as he seated himself at the bar. Blake set a glass down in front of him, put a few pieces of ice in it, and poured him a drink.

“You dimwit,” Blake started, setting the bottle in front of him. “That was a week and a half ago.” He finished, before turning to a new customer that had approached the bar. “What can I get for you?” He asked, sending Ben a mischievous look out of the corner of his eyes.

“Yes, I’d like two martinis and a beer.” She said in a no-nonsense sort of tone. Ben spared a glance at her, quickly eyeing the average height woman. She had dark brown hair pinned up on her head and wore a simple black cocktail dress that fit her form perfectly.

Blake served her the drinks and she must have seen Ben eyeing her, because she shot him a dirty look before heading away from the bar.

“Well, bud, I don’t think she was into you.” Blake said with a laugh, he hadn’t missed the glare Ben had received. “Me, however, I think I have a chance.” Ben couldn’t help but laugh out loud, throwing his head back with the deep sound.

“As if man.” Ben said, setting his arms on the bar and swishing the scotch around in his cup thoughtfully.

“So what’s been going on?” Blake asked as he began to clean glasses. It wasn’t a very busy night and there weren’t many people in the bar. Few enough, that had Ben turned around he could have seen all of the patrons.

“Ah…” He sighed. “Where do I begin?” He chuckled. The noise was a dry laugh that held no real humor. “Mom held another barbeque, Rey was there.” He said irritably. Blake’s eyes lit with recognition.

“Their still on that kick about you dating his daughter?” Blake asked, his tone disbelieving.

“Of course, which I really don’t get. It wasn’t like dad had ever wanted me to date her. I don’t understand why they are pushing it so firmly. Hell his daughter is more successful than I am. It isn’t like I’m going to marry her and miraculously become the business man that my dad was.” He spit out in a frustrated tone. “Oh, and I haven’t even told you the best part.” Ben added, looking up at his friends eyes. “Keenan was there.”

“Keenan, as in brother Keenan?” Blake asked, setting the glass he’d been cleaning down and looking at Ben in disbelief. Ben simply nodded his head and downed his first glass before pouring another one. “You’ve got to be shitting me… You haven’t seen him since… Well, the funeral, right?” Blake asked, his tone getting a bit more serious, not wanting to upset his friend with thoughts of his dad’s funeral. It had been a little over a year ago, but Blake knew that was a wound that was still healing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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