Chapter 3

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-get in bitches!
Beth says pullng up on the side walk outside of the building, Lily's car had broken down 30 minutes before the party, but at least now we'd be fashionably late in Beth's Audi.
-Mami I'm actually glad you're car broke down so we don't have to pull up to the scene in the worlds most raggedy ass minivan ever
Mariana says laughing. It was true Lily's car was literally a piece of shit an old blue minivan looked much like the one in the movie Juno, the engine was completely busted so it took about 10 minutes to even get the car started.
-say what you will about it but that babies given us some good times
Lily says, which was also true. I remember this last semester when we drove up to Florida for spring break we basically lived in that thing.
I can hear the music thumping as we stand in line. It's freezing outside, but we are close to the front of the line. I wrap my arms around myself and move forward. Despite what I might have felt earlier I'm actually exited for tonight.
-b who's party is this even?
I ask her
-oh it's my friend Collins party, he's 21 today
She says, twisting her hair between her fingers
I have no problem getting inside since its a private party they won't be checking ids at the door at least. I'm in; my eyes have to adjust to the darkness and the multicolored flashing strobe lights on the dance floor, not bright enough to reach beyond that. The club has kind of an Urban but classy feel to it, This Colin guy must be quite a big shot there's clearly no expense spared. We make my way to the bar.
-tequila girls?!
Mariana shouts and orders 4 shots
I knock back a few and a scotch on the rocks and then its time to hit the dancefloor.
It might be looked upon by many as sad but I actually live for this shit, it's kind of a lame motto but I think of myself as kind of a live fast die young kind of girl, I mean most poeple want to live a long healthy life but why? To end up in a home somewhere where your kids visit you once every two weeks where you spend your days wondering when your life will end?, what kind of life is that?. I remember Tom always having these huge plans for our future, he would imagine us getting married, having kids and moving to some house in the suburbs, maybe long island or west chester. But that was never what I wanted, I wanted this jumping up and down to the wonderfully blasting music not caring about anything but this moment and the poeple around me here right now, but he would never understand that for him it seemed impossible that not everyone wanted that kind of perfect lifestyle that society had brainwashed everyone to want.
- Oh there he is now, girls say hi to the birthday boy
Beth shouts pointing to a guy walking toward us. His posture was confident and laid back,Tall and broad-shouldered, with a mop of dark hair and heavy, bushy brows that were offset by his devilish smirk. His skin freshly tanned with eyes dark complimenting the harsh features of his face, Looking at me as if amazed by my existence completely ignoring That Lily had stretched out her hand to greet him.
-Happy birthday!
Beth yells out and hugs him completely bursting my bubble.
- thanks B, I see you brought some guests!
He says still looking my way
- yes I hope that's okay right?
She says smiling up at him
- sure! The more the marrier.
As he takes my hand I can feel a thril trough my whole body, supposedly cheesy but you know when you meet just a perfect stranger and you feel like they can see trough your entire soul.
-Colin Hunter
He says and kisses my hand
- a gentleman huh?
He laughs as if amused by me even saying such a thing
- anything but a gentleman, but I'd still like to buy you a drink
He says smirking at me. I can see Mariana winking at me as he leads me away from the jumping dance floor and in to a separate dining hall. He sits down in a bar chair gesturing me to sit down next to him.
-so what are we having?
He asks pointing at the list of drinks on the wall
-I'll have a glen Mackenna on the rocks
I say sternly attempting to play hard to get which is very hard as you catch yourself smiling down at a napkin once every second.
- I like a girl who knows her scotch
He leans in closely as if to make a move but instead he brushes a strand of hair away from my face.
-two glen Mackenna one on the rocks one neat
He says to the bartender.
-so I don't believe you've introduced yourself yet, what do I call you, just stunning friend of B's or what?
He smirks at me, cheesy line. I can't believe this is actually working on me
- Sage Alexander
I say looking up from the napkin in my lap
- what an unusual name, but very beautiful
He says constantly finding reasons to get closer. The bartender leans over to hand us our drinks
- I suppose I should be the one buying you the drink you're the man of the hour after all
I say, flicking my hair behind me.
- no I insist, you can get the next
childish grin spreads across his face.
- So Sage tell me something?
He says taking my hand in his, there it is again that thril making me sit up straight.
- What do you want to know?
I ask him.
- Everything worth knowing
He winks and takes a sip of his scotch.
- well that sure wasn't specific but okay, Im currently in my second year at Nyu
I say
-Nyu? Impressive I'm at brooklyn, my last year
He says
- Brooklyn collage?, I live a few blocks south
I say, thinking how lucky I'd been never running into him while in my sweats when going to the grocery store.
- Oh? Funny I've never seen you around I have a place in Williamsburg
He says smiling at me.
- well go on
he adds, looking as if what I've told him so far was simply facinating.
- well I live with my best friend Lily, thats the tall one with short hair and Im a dancer, or atleast I used to be.
I say.
- Used to be?
He says raising his eyebrow
- well during my first year at Nyu there were loads of budgetcuts at the academy where I used to dance and teach so most classes were cut and then it just shut down, It's actually a k-mart now, anyway I've never stared anywhere else.
I say looking down at my feet. He lifts my chin and waves the bartender over
- Carl! Put some jazz music on will you
He points to the speaker in the left corner, takes my hand and leads me out to the empty dining hall floor. With his hands on my hip and mine on his shoulder we sway to the smooth jazz flooding out of the single speaker by the bar. Our faces so close our noses almost touch and I can feel his breath on my cheek.
- also you should know
I say looking up at him
- I don't do relationships
- Really?, why?
He asks still smiling down at me
- My opinion is that love is a foolish thing for foolish poeple, every relationship is a ticking time bomb and when it explodes one person is always hurt if not both.
I say, following his lead.
- I have never in my 21 years managed to have a proper relationship because I simply don't want to, to me love isn't an old tired routine like married couples going to the same restaurant every year for their ananersary, love is exiting and fills you with adrenaline and that is something that doesn't necisaraly have to be between just the two of the same poeple.
He says, spinning me around.
- This need for the so called perfect life with a wife and kids and a house it just doesn't appeal to me
He adds. It's actually kind of uncanny how well Colin understands me, it's like he's turning my exact thoughts into words.
- Colin tell me something
I say leaning in closer to him.
He asks, looking at me intensely.
- Are you reading my bloody mind?
I say laughing. He smiles and pulls me in by the waist and as our lips touch I can feel the adrenaline flooding through my veins making every inch of my body fill with lust, wanting him more than anything, wanting him to want me. His hands slowly moving up from my waist into my hair and mine placed on his chest. A kiss, rough yet gentle, his skin soft against mine making me feel as if i was floating. Suddenly Lily storms in with Beth, Allison and Mariana bringing me back down from cloud nine. I pull away from Colin and turn to see what reason they possibly could have for breaking my perfect moment..
- Sage we have to go right now!
Lily yells as she paces back and fourth across the entrance, breathing heavily as if she had just ran a bloody marathon.
- why what the hell happned?!
I yell, with Colin just standing there looking like a question mark. She grabs me and leads me back into the club, trough all the poeple, and out into the alley behind the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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