at the airport and court

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*one the plane to Ireland*

"you ok sky i know that look"asked danny

"i might be wanted there" i said

"for what?"asked danny

"a number of things" i said

"well were landing" said danny

*inside the airport*

"SKYLAR JOHNSON PUT YOU HAND UP NOW" yelled one of the offices

"dad i got to go i love you and both of the bands" i said


"whats going on?"asked funny

"shes wanted"said danny

"you knew about this"said kurlzz sounding pissed

"hey you to whats going on" said shadows with both of the bands

"skys running from the cops" said kurlzz

"guys its not your fault " i said


"GET ON YOU KNEES!!!"yelled another cop

"ok" i said dropping to my knees

"SWAT"yelled one of the SWAT members

"haven't seen you guys in a while how have you been"i saidlooking arround as the surrounded me

"jesus christ they got the swat here too even i didnt ever get them"said funny

"you 12 back"said another officer

"skylar jonson you are under arrest"said one of the swat members

*in court*

"skylar johnson i know this name" said the judge

"you honor its now Alvarez" i said

"yes you got adoped,are you parents here?"said the judge

"i have 6 parents guys stand up" i said

"ok you 6 may sit oh yes i put you in you adoption house after your parents abandon you" said the judge

"that is correct you honor" i said

"skylar you are being charged with past battery assault on the 4 degree ,stealing also on the 4th degree, carrying a concealed weapon"said the judge

"its was a pocket knife" i said

"im not done...running from the police and swat, and another account of assault on the 3red degree"

"the assault was in the states it was out of you jurisdiction you honor" i said

"if you are found you will be sentenced 15 years in federal prison "said the judge

"you honor you know me you remember the day you sent me to the home i attempted suicide about 10 times before, my father almost killed me, i was depressed,do you remember i was covered in mud and dirt,bleeding from my arm i got shot, a black eye an almost dead lung,my light blue eyes and i was 13 and now im 15 i take medication for the depression" i said

"your honor we love her"said charlie while standing up and the rest of the guys join him

"we do to" said zacky while him and the guys stand up

"your honor i know her better than anyone here shes my daughter she has not done anything bad since we adopted her"said funny

"Skylar why did you run?"asked the judge

"i ran because i did not want to pull those 6 into my screwed up past,its not their fault they cared enough to adopt me and take me to the states,so i could be safe and loved" i siad

"a 10 min recess for the jury to decide"said the judge

*outside the court*

"can i see my family" i asked

"yes but i need to leave the hand cuffs on"said the officer

"your doing you job i understand" i said

"sky"said johnny and the guys walking up to me

"cant take the hand cuffs off" i said

"we love you no matter what"said danny

"thank you and if i go to jail keep going on the tour dont stop go hard of go the hell home ok?" i said

"you got it"said charlie

"can we come over now?" asked gates

"yeah come on"said j-dog as the guys were making a path

"5 min until court "yelled someone

"hey sky"said jack

"didn't expect this huh?" i asked

"yeah"said jack

"hey sky"said gates

"hi" i said hanging my head

"i was in the exact same position as you it will be ok do you trust me?"said gates

"yes" i said while looking up

"can i hug up i need it"said jack

"yeah"i said while everyone was hugging me

"court remaining"said some one

"skyler Alvarez"said one of the police officers

"right here" i said standing up

"lets go"said the officer as she was leading me into the court room

"is this your job?"i asked

"yes and you seem like a good person with a messed up past and i was the same way"said the officer

"i feel i like i let my dad and the rest of those guys down"i said

"if one of them was enough gut to stand up in frount of that judge,and he is one of the most scary  judges that are on payroll"said the officer

"i love them so much"i said

"has the jury reached a decision?"asked the judge

"yes your honor Skylar Alvarez pleads not guilty on all charges"said the rep.

"yeah" cheered the bands

"order in the court"yelled the judge

*everyone sits down*

"Skylar Alvarez all charges are dropped and you are not guilty you may now resume your day ,and i don't want to see you back here again" said the judge

"you wont your honor" i said

*outside court*

"do you guys need an escort to you hotel"asked 3 police officers

"sure thank you" said shadows

to be continued......

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