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It was at six months that we had the talk. The big one. About cheating. You had just gotten home from work and I caught you at the door, inviting you in for a chat. You looked confused. Curious, too. I was completely terrified. I remembered how angry you'd been about Blaise. I wasn't sure how you'd react to me bringing up something so serious. 

"What's up?" You asked, shrugging off your suit jacket.

I gave you a nervous smile, "Well, I've been thinking..."

You came over and gave me a peck on the cheek, "Mmm, sounds ominous, songbird."

I knew you were expecting me to laugh. I couldn't because what you had said was so true. So, instead, I pulled you towards the couch, sitting you down beside me. You seemed to get the message then.

"Hey, is something wrong?" You looked worried, "You can tell me anything, Lark. You know that, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded slowly, "I do. It's...I've been wanting to talk to you about something important. Serious. But I'm not really sure how to approach it..."

You tried to reassure me, "It's fine. Just come out with it, songbird."

"Well," I started, "every relationship...I feel like everyone needs to be honest. So, I think we about cheating. And how it makes us feel and how we should respond if something like that ever...I don't know...comes up."

There was a pause then. Your face was oddly blank. For a moment, at least. Then you forced some sort of twisted grimace onto it, like you were trying to force down an overwhelming emotion. I knew you were angry. I'd grown to recognize the signs by then. 

"Okay," you said, leaning forward slightly, "well, I think that...I feel the same way. We should be honest with each other."

I smiled then, almost thinking you were okay, "Great. I would like it if we could make a pact of some sort that if we have feel ourselves having...urges for other people we tell one another. I think that of this...isn't working for one of us, it isn't working at all."

You promised. You did. You also said you'd never feel something like that with me. After all, I was your songbird, wasn't I?

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