Chapter 1 | A New Beginning

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Hesitating to go in, thoughts began swarming in my head. I don't know what to expect from an elite school filled with rich kids. I was enrolling into one of South Korea's richest and distinguished academic schools, 'Ouran Academy', which is mainly known as 'The School for riches'. 

Pulling the steel patterned gate, I cautiously walked inside as I awed at the massive coloured buildings. Cherry blossoms were planted along the walk way, overwhelmed by the school's scenery.

Timidly I stepped inside the building leading to a long hallway filled with students in sophisticated uniforms who passed me. Their eyes narrowing down on me in astonishment, as I could hear faint whispers commenting on my uniform. 

"What is a commoner from a public school doing in an elite school?"

I was able to attend this school due to my first in class reputation and report cards. With the consent from my parents I was able attend this school, the school of my choice.

Ignoring the students around me, I quickly rushed up the stair case and followed the map provided by the school to the chairman's office.

"So, this is his office, huh?" I whispered looking at the door which had a clear label 'Chairman's Office' on a silver carved piece of metal. with a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in," said a deep voice with a edge of a friendly tone.

I opened the door with care, seeing a middle aged man seated in a black leather chair. He had grey hair, tanned skin and was quite wrinkly may I say. He wore a grey coloured suit with a black striped tie, who smiled at me.

"Hello I'm the new transferred student, Sara Valentino," I mumbled in Korean and bowed down in respect.

"Ah, yes, I was hoping to see you. Please have a seat," He ordered as I sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"I heard you are from Australia. I didn't notice due to your fluent Korean and accent which was very impressive," He commented opening a folder with my information from my other school.

"Yes, um... It's been around three months or four that I've been here. So I've been able to learn the language. I also couldn't believe I could speak in a small amount of time," I commented amazed by my own efforts.

"Yes, you should be proud. Now onto serious matters. I realised that you haven't worn the correct school uniform," as he asked me to stand and show him my uniform.

"Yes well I wore my recent school's uniform because..." I trailed off trying to gather my thoughts "- I will be wearing my new uniform tomorrow since I will be purchasing it today," he nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Alright but just for today," He replied smiling as he closed his folder.

The uniform I wore was much simpler than I thought. The school uniform at the academy was amazing in both detail and colour. 

Their uniform was simply black but had lots of stripes and details all in gold. Girls wore black over knee socks which had gold stripes around the top. Black skirts with gold stripes on the bottom. As well as the black shirts with gold strips on the sleeves. Finished off with a gold coloured bow.

Lost in thought I was suddenly interrupted by a few hard knocks. "Sorry Ms the students are very impatient sometimes," The chairman apologised as I stood up and smiled.

Exiting the office I found myself standing in front of two boys. Both of them had fair complexions with dark brown eyes. Leaning against the wall in front of the office, they both got off as they saw me exit. 

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