Chapter 29 | Maybe not...?

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Jackson held my hand tightly as I couldn't fight back the overflowing tears of mine as he sighed, seeing how hurt I was from what he had said.

"Sara, you know that I like you. But honestly I think I'm not the right person for you..." He muttered as I glued my face onto his chest, continuing to cry as he patted my back gently.

"You are the right person for me. More than what I've ever wanted! Why do you think that?" I unconsciously yelled, his face dead straight after my attack as I grew nervous by my tone of voice.

I held onto his hand, his warm, big hand that I always cherished holding and placed it on my cheek, as I leaned my face onto it, my tears still falling.

"Please don't do this..." I pitifully repeated my words as he ruffled his hair, knowing that his words couldn't fool me.

"Why don't you two go and have a quiet walk on the fields for some time" We both turned to see JB and Jinyoung staring at the two of us sadly as we both nodded, making our way towards the fields.

The trip was awfully quiet, as my mind grew fuzzy and conflicted by what was happening. It had been some time I hadn't attended any host club sessions or even saw Taehyung around and about which caused me to feel sick to the point where I wanted to stay in a dark room, never coming out.

"Don't think what I'm telling you is easy for me because honestly this was one of the most regretful decisions I have made" Jackson held onto my hand instantly after confessing to me as I saw his eyebrows cocked in a nervous manner. His tone was uneasy, scared and wrapped with guilt as I swallowed deeply, leaving myself to sigh.

With only seconds later, we reached the football fields where the wind flowed with great effort, making my hair flutter as I tightened my grip on Jackson's hand, facing him with eyes lost in confusion.

"If you're not the right person who I should be with, who is it then?" I choked with great difficulty as he pursed his lips against each other hard. I could see by the expressions on his face it was hard for him to come up with words until I realised why.

"Taehyung" He answered, his head hung low as I stood still watching him consume what he had told me as he smiled, lifting his head while nodding.

"He deserves you just as much as you do too" He caressed my cheek with his shaky hand as I stared at him with astonishment.

"...How?" I breathed out as he turned to face the green fields, staring at the palm of his left hand.

"They say love is an unexpected feeling. It can't simply settle in one place which is its ultimate weakness when its' placed in situations" He calmly replied as I heard slight giggling echoing in the atmosphere, making my feet trail towards the source of sound.

"I wanted to ask something. I don't know if you will accept it but, I'll give it a try"

That voice... It sounded so familiar but who?

"I'll do anything for you Taehyung"

My mind blanked instantly at the sound of the female's voice as Jackson turned to see me taking timid steps towards the duo.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Girlfriend? G-Girlfriend? My heart instantly crumbled when I saw Yujin, one of Taehyung's fangirls as Taehyung placed his hands onto her waist moving closer towards her making my stomach turn.

My lips instantly parted when I saw the two in front of me, their lips connected and their bodies holding each other's close as my eyes were covered quickly, my cries becoming louder.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry" Jackson whispered for not being in time as I held onto his hand covering my eyes.

"Don't be..."

"T-Taehyung" Yujin called out as Jackson removed his hand off my eyes, as I saw Taehyung letting go of Yujin and turn to see me, his face turning paler by the second as I instantly sprinted towards the girl's bathroom, crying my heart out.

I felt conflicted to the point where I couldn't even stand as I closed the cubicle's door, throwing myself onto the toilet seat.



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