The Lemonade Stand

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Hi :) 

So, this is my new story which sprouted from another one of mine. It is not similar in any way to what I have written on this website before so I hope you can give it a chance :D

Nine years ago...


I ran out into the shining sun and let myself enjoy the cool air for a few moments before running to join my friends Harry and Oliver on Harry's front garden. We greeted eachother before feasting our young eyes on the new shining bike sitting  by Harry's front-door. Our five-year old hearts raced at the thought of whizzing along the road on that contraption. Then, I heard my name called out above our excited voices. 

I quickly turned to see Alexia running from her house which was down the street. Immediately, I walked over to her as she spilled her joyous words about the new Lemonade Stand she had just built. I looked at her blue eyes lit up with happiness and let her lead me to her new site of delight. She grabbed my hand to pull me along the road which I let her do willingly. Suddenly, I felt very nervous at her touch. What is happening to me?

We stopped outside Alexia's house so I could witness for myself the wondrous Lemonade Stand she had built. It was fashioned out of and old, red plastic drawing table, a cardboard sign to showcase the drink, a full jug of Lemonade and clear plastic cups on the top. At the time, this was the coolest thing I could possibly do. 

From that day onwards, I met Alexia outside her house every morning to set up the Stand and start 'business'. Of course, we were the only ones drinking the Lemonade and of course, we did not pay  so, in reality, we were making a loss. But, to us, that didn't matter. 

Life stayed like that for a week before it all changed. And Alexia was gone. 


I groaned as my pre-set alarm clock buzzed me out of my precious sleep. I allowed myself a few more moments before dragging myself to the bathroom, throughly regretting staying up so late the night before. I looked in my mirror and saw my pale skin with jet black curly hair messy from sleep, deep brown eyes accompanied by a strong jaw bone. 

The moment I was ready for school, I dashed out the door without eating breakfast. Great, I thought to myself as I walked across the road to Harry's house, the first day of school and I'm going to be late.

I found a rock and threw it up to Harry's bedroom window, happy to see that he darted out his front door shortly after. His iconic brown hair was perfectly swept to the side-something I'm sure the girls missed over summer. 

He clapped my shoulder; "Christos, old man." He greeted with a painfully fake British accent. "I tell you, one day, you're going to smash my window in-look at the boulders you choose!" Harry pointed to the ground and we laughed. 

We turned and began walking up the all too familiar route to school. 

"I still think it's too romantic, man." I laughed. "The rock-window's so 'Romeo and Juliet'."

"Firstly, no boulders featured in 'Romeo and Juliet', and secondly, it's efficient." Harry replied. 

The rest of the walk to school was un-eventful and although I had been preparing for the first day for a week now, when I saw the white building loom before me, I couldnt help but let a groan out. 

"Come on, Christos! Don't worry-it will all go to plan." Harry reassured him. 

His efforts worked as I replied; "Let's do it."

* * * 

Despite the day only lasting until 12pm, it was a shock to all the students to be thrusted back into the school lifestyle. Especially for all-new student Evie Brown. She had just moved from London, England into the middle of Houston, Texas. 

Everything looked foreign to her-schools back in London were the complete opposite; cramped and victorian themed. Yet, she had to gather her courage for her father's sake. He had been transferred here on work for a trial run of only one year. Evie's whole family had been excited about the move-apart from her.  She had been so angry, in fact, that she refused to eat breakfast in spite of her parents. That descision came back to haunt her by the second period. 

So, during break, after Evie asked a 'freshman' for directions, she made her way to the closest vending machine. Her stomach gurgled once more as she picked the most un-healthy looking snack she could find; a 'Snickers' duo. 

Evie smiled at the contents as she turned to walk the other way but something was obstructing her path. Before she realized it must be another student, she walked into him. 

Evie gasped as she caught a pair of dark brown eyes looking down at her. Her voice caught in her throat when she absorbed the rest of this boy's appearence; his skin was pale yet there was a olive touch to it, his hair was startlingly black and perfectly curling past his eyebrows. 

"Oh, sorry." Evie said before beginning to walk away again. 

"Wait." The boy called out to her. There was a smile playing on his lips but confusion was clear in his eyes. 

"Yeah?" Evie asked. She noticed some of his friends who were also waiting for the vending machine stare at her. 

The boy stared at her for many moments before breaking eye-contact to glance at a brown-haired boy.

Evie frowned at them, suddenly very concious of her appearence. Then, his lips moved and the slightest ghost of a whisper escaped them. The sound was so quiet that Evie frowned deeper; 

"What?" She shifted in her place, itching to escape this odd experience. 

He cleared his throat; "Nothing. Sorry. Are you new or something?"

Evie nodded silently, still awaiting an explanation. 

"Christos." He introduced himself. His smile was warm and genuine yet his eyes held the opposite emotions. 

"Evie." She replied cooly. 

"Are you a Junior?" Christos enquired. By now, he had stepped out of the queue, leaving the brown-haired boy behind to talk to her. 

"Yeah. You?" Evie took a step back, wanting to find an area to eat her beloved 'Snickers'. 

"Me, too." His short reply was lengthened by a long pause. He simply stood staring at her. 


It's the eyes. The same piercing blue eyes. The moment I saw them in the hallway, I swear I could feel my heart break into a million pieces. And, as I stood talking to her, I was holding the pain-drenched pieces out to her, begging that she would piece them back together. But, I knew she woudn't be able to.

Only Aleixia would be able to. 

But Alexia is gone. 

Evie was in the middle of replying to one of my questions, when she bit her lip nervously. My emotions flooded me, filling my mind with the same whispered words Alexia breathed to me that day. 

I ran away from the girl with Alexia's eyes. 

Oh, Alexia...

* * *

Well, I hope you liked that story :) The characters have a lot of depth and emotion, so it was quite hard putting myself in their position but, to be honest I really enjoyed writing it :D

If you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it, please let me know below if I should carry on. 

Thanks for reading :P


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