Rant: Haters

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June 23, 2013

Dear Readers,

Hello again! So, I'm gonna rant about haters.

Okay, so on twitter I follow people I like, like Youtubers or celebrities. I mean, that's like 55% what twitter is for, lol.

But I read through comments, and people post really mean shiz.

Like, I love One Direction (who'da thunk it), and I saw some haters posting things like "GO DIE!" or "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER AND DIE!"

And all I could think about is how Louis Tomlinson or any of the boys feel.

Sadly, they're probably used to this shiz.

I mean, even people who say "you're fat" or "you're ugly" are terrible, but in my personal opinion the death ones are worse. They're all bad though.

Especially the cancer one.

When they post that, most people just think about them getting cancer and dying, but I think about the whole damn process. My mother had cancer and died not even two years ago, and when I read that, it makes me think "What if that person really did have cancer?"

That makes me think of how much it hurts a person and their family to have cancer. It really, really sucks. So whenever someone posts that to one of my idols, it hurts a little.

Another thing that pisses me the hell off is that some of them promote no bullying, and then post this stuff.

Like in their bio they're like "No bullying! Bullying is for losers!" and then post the hate to people. Like, STFU and GTFO. Just saying.

But... I can honestly say, I feel bad for them. If they have so much negativity and bad energy in their lives, then I feel sorry and my heart goes out to them. No one should have that much negativity and hate in their lives, so I'll say that I love you.

I really do. If you have no love, get love from me. I am only angry because you post mean crap that isn't true and shouldn't be said, and act like nothing is wrong.

So, if haters are reading this, please stop. Just stop. Think before you post.

Tell yourself "Would I say this to their face?" Or, one that I use is "Would you say this to your mother?" I know I wouldn't.

And to someone who has been hated on, don't listen to them. It's not true. There are people besides them that love you. :)

Whew. That's better.

I'm sorry if this bored you, lol. Just needed to get that off my chest.

So, I'll update this pretty much if I need to rant or to explain something about my stories. Also, feel free to ask any questions on this! If anyone ever asks questions on here, I'll try to answer them in the next chappie!

Thanks for listening! <3 :)


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