Down the Rabbit Hole

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Kendall PoV

I didn't plan to be here. I blame it on that white rabbit. It was so interesting, and I just had to follow it.

I watched as its furry butt hopped around the corner of the street. I couldn't help myself once I had started to go after it.

That overgrown bunny was fast. Pretty soon, I had to break out into a run just to keep up with it, but I still had to keep my distance as well.

After a good half hour of breaking my legs to keep up with the glorified mammal, said animal stopped in front of a large Oak tree in the outskirts of the State park.

It pulled out a random pocket watch from somewhere on its body.

Where the hell did it come from? Where was it being kept?

As I neared closer, I could hear it whispering to the watch. Or maybe I was just hearing things.

"Oh, I'm late. So, so late."

Nope, that was real.

I almost fell on my face right before I saw the fluffy beast snap its fing- paws and the ground in front of the tree seemingly listened to its 'command.' The grass crackled on the surface as a gaping hole was soon revealed, leading underground.

I let out a soft gasp, then clapped my hands over my mouth. The rabbit didn't turn around or seem to notice me as it jumped into the hole.

Aw, man. I had to do it too, didn't I? I could have walked away and forgotten all about this weird day, or I could have went down the hole into a foreign place. I mean, what if it was some weird hole that led to China? You never know...

Unfortunately, the hole decided that it needed to hurry my decision-making process by rapidly closing back up. I had to make a decision. And of course, I acted without thinking.

I jumped in too, right before the hole closed back up, leaving me encased in total darkness.



I fell. I think.

At least, it felt like I was falling. I couldn't be sure.

I dared to open my eyes, but as soon as I did, I snapped my eyelids over my eyes so fast that it hurt.

I was definitely falling. But why was it taking me so long to reach the bottom of...whatever this was? I looked around and could make out the shapes of little cupboards and dressers on the sides of the hole in the darkness. On one of the shelves, I picked up a little jar of jelly. I opened it and dipped my finger in, ready to have a taste.

My fingers scooped up air.

Seriously? What was the point in having a jar of jelly in an endless hole if it was empty?

I was still falling, so I just put it on another one of the shelves I passed.

I started counting the seconds. This was getting boring.

I was pretty sure it had been about ten minutes by now. I was starting to get bored. I started talking to myself after what felt like another 20 minutes.

"What was the point in this? Before that lunatic rabbit came by, I was just sitting by a tree, reading a simple book. My favourite book for that matter, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. That man is a genius."

After what I was sure had been 30 more minutes, I was starting to sound crazy. "What of my cat? What's become of her? What was her name? Cheeto? Dorito? Wait... I don't have a cat. But I am getting hungry..."

My self monologue was interrupted by my fall coming to an end. I abruptly landed on my butt in the middle of a large room with a checkered floor. The room had several doors and clocks all around, chiming different times. I looked around, trying to get my bearings, before I laid eyes on that evil rabbit. I got up as fast as I could and started to follow him. Unfortunately, the bunny had gone through a corridor that I couldn't fit through. I slinked back into the middle of the room, looking around again. There was a single glass table right in the middle of the room. There was a key right on top. I grabbed the key and placed it in the palm of my hand, making my way over to the corridor.

Then I realized that I wasn't small enough to fit through. I went back over to the table to look for anything that may have helped me, like a stick or something. Maybe a hockey stick... Those could prove to be helpful at times...

Once I got back to the table, I placed the key back on the table top and saw a small vial of liquid sitting there.

That hadn't been there before...had it?

I picked up the vial and examined it a little bit. It was clear glass and had words printed on the side, "DRINK ME." It looked like alcohol. Alcohol wasn't all that bad, right?

Eh, it was worth a shot. I popped the cork off the bottle and sniffed the contents. It didn't smell alcoholic...

I stuck out my tongue and drizzled a few drops over it. The liquid was sweet and spread throughout my mouth quite quickly. I swallowed it and the taste left my mouth.

I looked back at the table and saw it moving up. My clothes started getting bigger too. "Hmm, that's weird. I could've sworn I had gotten these in my size..." I thought aloud. I glanced at the corridor from earlier and saw that I could now fit through it...but how? 'Look down.' whispered a subconscious voice in my brain.

I did as I was told and immediately fell down. I was gasping for air. "What is this?!" I questioned to no one in particular. I shrunk. Like, gotten smaller. Was it that weird liquid?

I searched for the glass vial and saw a larger version of it next to the base of the glass table. When I went to grab for the weird substance, I saw something else out of the corner of my eye. On the other side of the table, on the ground, was a piece of cake.

I was still hungry, so I made to eat the cake. Right before I picked it up, I saw that it read, "EAT ME."

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?" and I popped a piece of the cake in my mouth.

Nothing happened...

Wait, why was that table getting smaller?

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