Kendall's Evidence

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Kendall PoV

Previously - 

I watched as the cute White Rabbit pored over his list, seeing who the next witness would be.

I was surprised when his voice squeaked out the next name at the top of his lungs.


My head shot up as I heard my name (or rather what everyone thought my name was) called. It seemed to echo in the courtroom, echoing inside of my head too.

"Erm, me?" I asked, sheepish.

"Yes, you," Carlos said, looking annoyed.

I slowly stood up and started walking to the stand. I had forgotten I actually grew a few feet in size only a few moments ago, so when I passed the Jury, I accidentally knocked over the Rabbit.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Rabbit!" I stumbled, helping him up. How embarrassing, I sighed.

The Rabbit fluffed himself up again and looked at me. He squinted, and shook his tail around. His chocolate brown eyes peered into my green ones.

"It's Logan. I'm fine."

"Oh, I can tell..." I said, dumbly, facepalming on the inside. That was so stupid. I just called him fine to his face. Oh boy.

He blushed a crimson red before giving me a gentle shove toward the stand. I snapped back to reality and took my place in the courtroom. I could hear all of the Jury scratching away at their boards as they wrote down what just took place, except for the Rabbit- Logan. Why I was a witness? I would never know.

"Okay Alice. I'm going to hope that you can give me some information because I'm absolutely tired of being here, but I also don't plan on leaving until I get some answers as to who stole my treats. Now, I will kindly ask you, what all do you know about this?"

"About what, your Majesty?" I asked, shifting in my seat. The chair was actually quite uncomfortable.

"About the tarts. About why we're here, this entire case," he clarified. I could tell that his patience was running thin.

"Oh. Well, nothing, really. I only found out about this like, thirty minutes ago."

"Tea Time!" screeched the Hatter from off in the distance.

Glancing at the door, I cracked a small smile before looking back at the King. It faded when I saw the angry look he was giving me.

"What do you mean, nothing?"

"Uh, nothing. I don't know anything other than what's been said in here today."

"So you know nothing of this whatsoever?" Carlos persisted.


"So you do know something!"

"No, I was saying, 'yes, I know nothing,'" I explained.

The King sighed, turning to the Jury. "You're supposed to be writing this all down. This is all very important stuff."

The Jury all jumped into action, grabbing their boards and writing like crazy. The hall was once more filled with the scratching of their writing.

"He means unimportant!" chirped Logan.

"Uhm, right!" tried the King. It seemed he didn't know the difference between important and unimportant. He began muttering to himself, "Important...unimportant...important...unimportant...unimportant...important..."

Some of the Jury began writing down what the King was doing, some followed as he mumbled to himself, and some just sat in their chairs like lumps.

This is really weird, I yawned.

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