Who Stole the Tarts

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White Rabbit (Logan) PoV

"Oh man, that King is sure to have my ears and tail on his dinner plate tonight! I have to make it on time!" I pulled out my pocket watch and checked the time. It was still the same time it was when I was at the Hatter's place. Terrible, just awful.

Well, I could have just sat there and let time waste away by blaming it on that handsome Alice, but there wasn't enough light in the day! I scurried closer and closer to the courtroom, ready to be on the jury at the hearing of the King's unknown topic.

When I drew nearer, the guards at the gate saw me and opened the heavy steel doors, moving out of my way as they did. I scrambled in through the doors, only glancing around the wide room that opened into the courtroom chamber. My tail and ears twitched as I found my place in the jury, all of us along one side of the room. I could see the red King getting ready for the hearing behind the podium, his assistant helping him calm down, as he was obviously furious about something. Most likely what the case was about.

I sat down, finally breathing. Looking around, I saw the red decorations scattered around the large room. A bright chandelier with dangling red crystals let light, flowery light dance across the room as the sunlight hit it and flew in all directions. The carpet, a deep blood velvet, was smooth, and spotless. The throne, made of gold and covered in actual red velvet and silk looked absolutely delightful to park my tail on!

Feeling around with my paws on the table in front of me, I grabbed the board and the quill and wrote down my name. These court hearings usually lasted so long that all of the jury, including me, forgot our names oftentime by the end.

I could finally see Alice, my handsome, devilishly charming blonde Alice walk into the courtroom. He was accompanied by that Gryphon, the lucky old bastard. Alice will be mine!


Kendall PoV

We got to the courthouse after all that yelling and talk about a trial beginning for something I had no clue about. I only hoped that I wasn't somehow dragged into it, said to be involved.

The Gryphon led me in, directing me and telling me where to go. We sat down on one of the benches soon enough as we waited for the trial to start. I saw, up at the front in chains, the assistant of the king. His eyes were pointed down at the ground, refusing to look up and let people see them. I kind of felt bad looking at him. I didn't think he'd be the type of person to commit a crime. Although, everything in this place was wonky. Not too much surprised me anymore.

Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked toward it and saw what must have been the Jury. Several desks were all lined up against the right side of the room, all but one were occupied by different animals, different species, each unique. They each had a chalkboard of sorts in front of them, with a writing tool on the side of the boards.

All of them sat down, each gathering themselves before eventually taking their writing utensil and their board and writing something down. I leaned over toward the Gryphon, whispering, "What are they doing?"

He looked at me, then at the Jury, then back at me. "They're writing their names down. These court cases usually last a very long time, long enough for them to forget their names. It's a precaution of sort, so that they know who they are."

"Well... that seems sort of stupid. Even if this trial lasted a week, how could they forget their own na-" I was interrupted.

"Silence in the court!" yelled the White Rabbit. At this, the whole courtroom went deadly silent, save for the scratching of feathers on boards. I could see all of the jurors writing down what I had said about them writing down their names and how it was stupid. I tried not to chuckle as one asked another how to spell 'stupid.'

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