The King's Croquet Ground

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Kendall PoV

"Whoa..." I whispered, opening the door.

I stepped inside and didn't even take much note of the door as it closed behind me. I had stepped into a large garden, amazed as I looked at it. There were flowers of every kind surrounding me. Flowers of every single colour, in the rainbow, and not. The grasses were surrounding the whole place, save for a very nice cobblestone pathway weaved throughout the garden. The trees were tall and healthy, and there was not one dead leaf in sight. It seemed kind of comical to think about, but there were even dozens of butterflies flying around the place as well.

Even as I was taken aback by just the sheer beauty of it, I noticed something happening in the corner of my eye.

I stifled my laugh as I looked at three life-sized card people. They all seemed to be watering the flowers, so I decided that they were gardeners.

Each card was red, and had a number on it. There was 3, 7, and 5. All of a sudden, they put their watering cans down and pulled buckets of red paint and paintbrushes from behind their backs.

They went over to a grove of beautimus white rose trees. Each of them got their buckets and their paintbrushes and started painting each of the white roses a blood red colour.

My eyes widened in surprise as I took in what they were doing. I ran over, stopping right behind all three of them right before I shouted, "What are you three doing?!"

All three stopped what they were doing and looked right at me. They only stopped for a second before continuing.

One of them, 3, took a deep breath before he explained. "We have made a grave mistake, one that angered the Queen, Her Majesty."

"Well, what did you do?" I asked.

"We mistakenly planted beautiful white roses instead of beautiful red ones. Her Majesty said that she felt like they were an abomination to her kingdom, and ordered that they immediately be painted red, as it would take too long to grow any red ones," explained 7.

"Oh, well wouldn't it just be better to have-"

"Are my roses in my garden finished yet?!" boomed a man's voice from behind me.

I slowly turned around, after seeing the cards dive to their stomachs (if they even had any) and bowed before the voice, who I guessed would be the queen. But if it was a queen, then why was it a man's voice?

I gasped as I laid my eyes on a very handsome looking man and a HUGE entourage of those man/card things, half a deck or more.

The whole army of cards came to a stop, right behind the man. He was dressed all in red and had a sort of regal air about him. He looked at me with his nose tilted upwards, a scowl on his face.

"We are so sorry my queen!" the cards on the ground snuffled.

"Ugh! I keep telling everyone in this godforsaken place: I AM NOT A WOMAN. I'm a KING. Geez," the man yelled. King, huh? Could've sworn that he was a queen by the way everyone was talking about him. So this must be the red King?

"Who are you?" the king snapped, his head turning in my direction.


"Um? What an unusual name...So where are you from, Um?" he questioned.

"Me? I'm... from Umbridge..." Nice going, Kendall.

"Umbridge, eh? I'll have to visit there sometime."

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I asked.

"ME? HA! You don't know who I am? Wow. Umbridge must be faaaaar away. To answer your question, I am King Carlos. But you may call me your Highness, your Majesty, or your Royalty. I prefer whichever," King Carlos explained. When he said his name, he turned around and yelled it pretty much, making sure everyone else knew it too. The deck (army) of cards visibly winced at that.

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