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A Surprise

Chloe P.O.V

I just woke up and smiled to myself as I'm now officially an adult. I don't know if you guys have guessed it or not but today is my birthday. But I guess mum and dad were too busy with their work that they didn't realize today is my birthday.

It's alright, my parents are always busy but they love me with all their heart. I went downstairs to see what my parents are doing, may be my parents are deciding to gave me a surprise, so I slowly went down the stairs. Trying my best not to make any kind of sound.

I slowly reached at the bottom of the stairs suddenly my eyes fell on two figures in the kitchen, from where I was standing it seem like there was a heated conversation going on. It felt like both the figures are arguing on certain topic or subject.

When I went closer I was shocked to see that my parents are actually those two figures who were having intense debate about some topic. That's it, definitely something is strange here.

I'm saying because of two reasons. First my parents never fought, there were always lovey doves and second my parents are acting wired for past few years. Only god know the reason because when ever I tried to ask them they always dismiss it or change the topic. Sometimes it seem like they were hiding something from me.

You might thought that I'm a creep but what can I do I want to know answer about my life, about the current situation, so I decided to eavesdrop their conservation.

"Our baby girl has turned eighteen. Three more years have passed since the agreement. What if they find us? Will they take our lovely daughter with them? What we will do?" It was mother, she said every word lacing with anxiousness and concern was prominent by each and every word she said.

I was still fazed that what the hell mum is taking about,what agreement? Whose gonna take me? What the hell I'm so confused when dad start speaking," It will not happen, as we will be moving again." Dad replied.


"Yeh again."

"You know Chloe hate moving all the time. She hardly makes friends when we tell her that we have to leave. I don't like doing this to her. My poor daughter."

"You are right Jessica but I'll do anything to save her life from them."

From the very first beginning I knew something was wrong. I was having a lovely life in New York. I had friends like all the normal people and I love to chat and hang with them. I always loved my life and the city in which I was born the New York, or this is what my parents told me, when everything got changed. It was my fifteen birthday when my dad dropped a bomb on me that we have to leave New York.

After that we started moving from one place to another. My parents started worrying about me more than normal. Their attitude changed, they turned more protective and possessive. Always asking questions and interrogating me that if I met someone peculiar or I come upon something strange. Sometimes it feel like they are running from something or someone but the question is why?

I was still in deep thought when my dad cleared his throat to catch my attention. I looked up to meet his gaze. He looked terrified. Terrified of what? May be hearing their conversation, so I decided to have a blank expression that decided to play along if they are not going to tell me than I won't tell them either that I heard everything.

I greeted mom and dad as usual. My parents tried to read my expressions after a minute a felt the relief flooded through their faces. "Happy birthday!" They cheerfully greeted me and gave me a bear hug. I hugged them tightly as always not showing my totally confused state of mind.

"The birthday girl should start getting, we'll having a branch today at Blue Lagoon." My dad kissed my forehead and then left my room.

Blue Lagoon was one of the most posh restaurants in San Franco. I always had a dream to go there but right now it feel like my head is spinning and I'm all messed up. It seem like hundred and thousands of hammers are hitting my head.

What are parents are hiding from me? Ugh! Why can't they just tell me, who am I kidding. I know they will never tell me. So I decided to drop it for now and started getting ready for the brunch. I took long shower thinking that the water not only cleans me but also helping washing away my befuddlement with it. I dressed and was completely ready for the brunch.

I went downstairs when I heard my dad was on the phone talking to someone. He gave me an apologetic look ,"Sorry sweetheart, your mom and I have to go for a meeting but we'll be in an hour. Stay safe and lock the doors when we left."

I nodded

"Chloe, no matter what happens don't open the door." My mum advised me and then they left for the meeting.

There is definitely something fishy going on. I have to find it myself. What will happen if I open the door, I questioned myself. Suddenly I heard bell rang. That's it, i'll go outside and see what will happen.

To my utter shock when I open the door, where a very handsome guy was standing just in of me. He has sharp features, beautiful eyes and high cheekbones. He was wearing a v neck, showing his deliciously toned body. I have never seen a guy as attractive as him. He seem more like a Kelvin Calvin Model. Earth to you Chloe, I thought to myself.

"Rosslyn, I have been tired of searching for you." He grumbled.

There was something weird about him just looking at him makes me feel scared and very intimidated. There was a very strong aura  around him that speak of authority and power.

I tried questioned him truly trying to get an understanding of presents situation.

He looked at me as if I have asked him for something that is inaccessible and unattainable or have done a serious crime by accusing them of something serious.

I was anxiously waiting for his reply but judging his body language and their blank face. It's seemed as if I won't be getting an answer anytime soon.

I noticed something strange about him though. It seemed as if he was enchanting something low and before I know I know my head started spinning and I blacked out.

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