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Totally Confused

Chloe P.O.V

After Xavier broke the news that I'll be his new slave. Xavier ask me to go with a butler who came on no time, will show me the room where I'll be living. Before leaving I gave Xavier my best glare and mouthed him 'I need explanation later.' He gave me a small nod and then went inside the mansion with his friends.

I on the other hand went to a building opposite to the mansion. It was big but not as huge as mansion itself. There were many rooms, in the middle there was a big lounge beautifully furnished. There were many expensive painting hanging on the walls. Butler handed me the keys, after unlocking the door of a room. It was warm and very cozy.

I can bet that it can't be a place for a slave to live. It's more like a V.I.Ps residence. Just in order to make my doubts clearer, I interrogated the butler. "Excuse me, we'll I'd be very thankful if you can tell me which place this is?" I asked formally.

Well I have manners unlike someone. Why am I thinking about the psychopath a.k.a. my sexy kidnapper. Did I just call him sexy what is happening to me?

"Well! My lady, these are the guestrooms only allotted to those who are very close to Master Xavier."

Oh that shocking. He has manners too, unlike someone. Why am I thinking about him again? Now back to the point, why would Xavier allow me to live in one of his V.I.P rooms? Though I'm not his guest and I don't treat him with that much respect either than why?

"My lady!" I looked up it was the butler. "Master Xavier will be here in few minutes to meet you." Butler informed me and left. A lot of questions were going in my mind. First why he always has a sexy smirk when he talks to me? Is it a question, I thought to myself . It's answer is pretty simple because he is cocky bastard but what I can't comprehend is why his face turns blank and completely expressionless when he his friends. It seem like he has built a wall against them.

Even with his girlfriend, he's feelings seem numb like he isn't interested in her at all. Only he did it for some other purpose instead and I can't understand the statement that 'I'm in a relationship now and I need a slave.'

What does he meant by now? That means before kidnapping me, he wasn't in any relationship. May be he is doing all this to keep me here or it can be a coincidence, right? If he wants me why would he have been acting like a jerk to me.

I'm so confused, when will be Xavier coming and I'll be getting my answers, my head is spinning with so much more questions. Whose answers are need to be known, like what happened to him in the past that, his friends thought that he can't be in a relationship later? Was it his girlfriend that left him alone, who he was deeply in love with? I doubt that because the way his friends were saying it. It seemed like a much deeper matter.

Wow I actually want to kill that Xavier guy. You all might thinking why because it's only because of him I'm all messed up. Rather thinking of my escape from this mansion, I'm working my mind on irrelevant things especially related to that psychopath. I heard knock on the door. I guess Xavier has arrived.

I opened the room there he was standing causally with his hands in his pockets, smirking at me. Doesn't he get tired of smirking? I thought to myself. May be not, then I let him inside he sat on the bed while I sat on the sofa.

"I know Ros- Chloe you're confused. If I'd be at you're I'd be freaking out by now. You don't need to be slave and I won't do anything to you against your will-"

Hearing these words a sigh of relief escaped and I stood up happily from the sofa where I was sitting started jumping and dancing. My dancing was much like I was having seizures and start shouted excited,"That mean I can go home! Yaaaaaaye!"

He looked with a sad expression,"I never said about that." He declared. Immediately my body froze and I looked into his eyes to see of he is playing or something but no he was serious. My eyes started stinging with the tears which were threatening to spill out and my heart aching.

"Listen Rosslyn, I mean Chloe. You can live here freely. No one is going to question you. You can spend my money as much as you want. What mine is yours." He told me politely.

Man what is his problem. Recently he got into a relationship, which I guess he care less about it but still shouldn't he say all this to her girlfriend not me. 'He such a two face personality.'

"Did you just called me two faced?" Xavier asked raising his eye brow in a questioning manner. Shit! I again thinking out loud.

"Yes, I did! You're two faced. You're not even loyal to your own love-" He interjected.

"That's not true. I'm loyal to you, my lo-" He suddenly stopped and realized what he was about to say.

Then he gave me cold stare and barked few inches from my face,"You know what I don't give a bullshit about you or anyone else. For me you can rot here in this room till death. Just keep that in mind that you have to live all your life here and don't you dare think of escape from here. Forgave me to be gentle man to ask you if you're fine or not."He seethed dripping his words with sarcasm. He went out of the room, closing the door with heavy thud.

My heart was beating furiously against my chest. I was so shocked by his outcome. My eyes went wide and my jaw was touching the floor. I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! He switched his personality from a caring gentleman to cold hearted beast within a millisecond.

I am definitely going to run from this place.

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